I noticed that most of the ADI-provided example code for ARM processors in the SC58* series have a virtual reference to \Source\portable\CCES\osal\adi_osal.h, which shows up with a little yellow exclamation point on it in the Project Explorer. That's because it doesn't exist in the adi-freertos-1.4.0.zip distribution. However, it does appear here -> https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/FreeRTOS/blob/adi_master/release/FreeRTOSv10.0.x/FreeRTOS/Source/portable/CCES/osal/adi_osal.h
The compiler doesn't complain because it is using the file from here -> "C:\Analog Devices\CrossCore Embedded Studio 2.9.3\ARM\arm-none-eabi\arm-none-eabi\include\adi\cortex-a5\adi_osal.h"
I've compared these two versions and there looks like there are a lot of differences between these files, but not really, all of the differences seem to work out to be the same values. So it doesn't really affect the project much, with one possible problem. The adi_osal.h file on github reports the ADI_OSAL_MAJOR/MINOR_VER to be 1.2, whereas the file on my hard drive reports this version as 2.0. So it looks like github has a stale version, or maybe shouldn't exist at all. And thus, the example projects will need all of their virtual references to this file removed.