Where can I find my license.dat file in CrossCore Embedded Studio?
The location of the license.dat file in CrossCore Embedded Studio is dependent on which Operating System you are using.
The license.dat file locations are:
For Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Analog Devices\CrossCore Embedded Studio\
For Windows Vista, Windows 7 (32-bit & 64-bit), or Windows 10 (32-bit & 64-bit):
C:\ProgramData\Analog Devices\CrossCore Embedded Studio\
The full path to the license.dat file is given in the report generated by Help > Manage Licenses > Report within CrossCore Embedded Studio.
Note: The ProgramData folder in Windows Vista and Windows 7 Operating Systems may be hidden. It can be made visible by clicking the Organize button on the top left of the Explorer Window and selecting 'Folder and Search Options'. From the Folder Options window click the View tab and under ‘Advanced Settings:’ ensure the option 'Show hidden files, folders and drives' is selected. This option is available under the 'Hidden files and folders' directory.