We have a team of developers working on the same project, and would like to be able to share the launch configuration for the project, to avoid having to recreate the configuration on every machine. Is this possible?
Yes, this is possible. CrossCore Embedded Studio offers you the option to export and import Launch Configurations so they can be shared between multiple machines.
Saving the Launch Configuration can be done one of two ways. The first is done from the ‘Run: Debug Configurations’ menu:
Create a new launch configuration, or highlight an existing launch configuration that you wish to share.
Select the “Common” tab.
Change the selection for ‘Save as’ to “Shared file”, and click ‘Browse...’ to set the location you want to save the file.
This will create a “ProjectName.launch” file in the selected directory.
The second option is to ‘export’ the Launch Configuration. This is done via the ‘File: Export’ menu:
Expand “Run/Debug” and select “Launch Configurations”. Click ‘Next’.
Expand “CrossCore Embedded Studio Application” and click the checkbox for any Launch Configurations you wish to export.
Click ‘Browse...’ to set the location, then click ‘Finish’.
This will create a “ProjectName.launch” file in the selected directory.
To import a saved Launch Configuration, go to the ‘File: Import’ menu:
Expand “Run/Debug” and select “Launch Configurations”. Click ‘Next’.
Click ‘Browse...’ to select the folder in which the saved Launch Configuration can be found.
Any saved “*.launch” files found in the directory will be listed, click the checkbox for any Launch Configurations you wish to import, then click “Finish”.
The imported Launch Configurations will be available via ‘Run: Debug Configurations’.