This document applies to CrossCore Embedded Studio v.2.6.0 and later.
CrossCore Embedded Studio now has support for the J-Link Lite Emulator. To use your J-Link Lite to download and debug a program for Cortex-M parts, such as ADuCM3029 and ADuCM4050, select Segger J-Link as your Interface in your new Launch configuration.
On Windows it is necessary to install UsbDk Runtime Libraries if you want to use J-Link Lite support with GDB and OpenOCD.
To install UsbDK Runtime Libraries, double-click UsbDk_1.0.17_x86.msi (on 32-bit Windows) or UsbDk_1.0.17_x64.msi (on 64-bit Windows). The files can be found in <Your Installation Directory>\Setup\UsbDk folder (by default, C:\Analog Devices\CrossCore Embedded Studio 2.6.0\Setup\UsbDk).
In order to install UsbDk on Windows 7 SP1, you must have the following Windows Update on your system to add SHA-2 code signing support,
If the above Windows Update is missing, you will get the following message during UsbDk driver installation (the pop-up may display a few seconds after the installation exits):
If this happens, please install the required Windows Update and then uninstall and reinstall UsbDk Runtime Libraries.