Whilst we recommend using the CrossCore Embedded Studio GUI for your development work, there are some occasions where you may find command line access useful such as build automation. This page contains a list of frequently asked questions about command line support for the Blackfin and SHARC processor families.
What Operating Systems can I use to develop for Blackfin and SHARC?
The Blackfin and SHARC toolchains are only supported under Windows.
The following versions of Windows are supported (as of CrossCore Embedded Studio 2.7.0):
- Windows 7 (with Service Pack 1)
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 10
How do I install CrossCore Embedded Studio from a command line?
Download the latest CCES release from https://www.analog.com/cces
Run the following command to install:
> ./ADI_CrossCoreEmbeddedStudio-Rel${VERSION}.exe /S /V"/qn INSTALLDIR=\"${INSTALL_PATH}\""
Uninstallation should be done via the uninstall link in the start menu, or via the control panel.
How do I build an existing project from the command line?
To invoke the dependency, makefile generation and build process, you need to make use of the headless builder.
> C:\analog\cces2.7.0\Eclipse\ccesc -nosplash -consoleLog -application com.analog.crosscore.headlesstools \
-data C:/path/to/workspace -project C:/path/to/project -build all
-data is the path to the workspace you want to build from
-project is the path to your project
-build identifies the configuration to build, or "all" to build all configurations. Configuration name is case insensitive.
You can also use the makefile support generated by a project build to build directly.
First, ensure that your CCES installation directory is in your PATH environment variable.
> set path "%PATH%;C:\analog\cces\2.7.0"
Then cd into your output directory, where you can issue the following make commands:
"make all" to perform a full build of anything that's changed since the previous build.
"make clean" to perform a clean, which deletes any temporary/generated files allowing for a full build to be carried out.
Note: If you change any project settings or add/remove files, this won't be reflected in the makefiles unless you invoke the headless builder again. You can modify the makefiles directly but they will be overwritten if the headless builder is used.
How do I create a new project from the command line?
First, ensure the environment variable CCES_HOME to the root directory of your CCES installation.
You can use the headless builder to create a project using the following command:
> ${CCES}\Eclipse\ccesc.exe -nosplash -consoleLog -application com.analog.crosscore.headlesstools \
-data c:/path/to/workspace -project ${project_name} -project-name ${project_name} -command projectcreate \
-processor ADSP-BF707 -type Executable -language C++
-data is the path to the workspace you want to create the project in
-project and -project-name are the name of the project you want to create (currently these have to match)
-type is either "Executable" or "Static Library"
-language is either "C" or "C++"
Can I build without an Eclipse project from the command line?
Yes, but we'd recommend using an Eclipse project since it gives you access to the Add-Ins.
With the root directory of CrossCore Embedded Studio in your system path, you can invoke the driver directly (either "ccblkfn.exe" or "cc21k.exe") for all the source files you want to compile. Static .ldf (Linker Description Files) and C Run-Time objects are provided by the library to get you up and running without having to generate them yourselves (we'd recommend doing so for a more optimal configuration), and the System Services & Device Drivers are available in pre-compiled library form if they are being used.
You can either build and link everything in a single command:
> ccblkfn -proc ADSP-BF707 source1.c source2.c source3.asm -o myoutput.dxe
Or you can build and link your files independently (to take advantage of dependency support in makefiles):
> ccblkfn -proc ADSP-BF707 source1.c -c -o source1.doj
> ccblkfn -proc ADSP-BF707 source2.c -c -o source2.doj
> ccblkfn -proc ADSP-BF707 source3.asm -c -o source3.doj
> ccblkfn -proc ADSP-BF707 source1.doj source2.doj source3.doj -o myoutput.dxe
A full breakdown of the switches is available in the online help, or via the -help switch:
> cc21k -help
Can I debug from the command line?
There is support for running executables in a simulator or hardware session from the command line via CCES Runner, but the support is limited to execution only with no debugging support.
To debug applications, you'll need to create and use a debug session under the CCES GUI.