My project is based on BF703 (184 CSP_BGA package option).
I'm using Pin Multiplexing add-in to assign pin to peripherals but it seems that possible options consider only 88 LFCSP_VQ pinout.
How can I select 184 CSP_BGA package option?
It seems that CCES Eclipse directories don't contain *-pinmux.xml for all available chip package options.
This is true not only for BF703, the one I'm interested in, but also for other components.
We think there's some confusion caused by the comment in the BF70x pinmux XML files. The comment at the top of each XML file says:
"The 88-pin package doesn't contain all Port C pins."
That doesn't mean that the pinmux file for the BF703 is used for 88 pin packages. The comment is referring to all the BF70x parts that are available in the 88 pin package. According to the BF70x data sheet, the even numbered BF70x parts are available in the 88 pin package, and the odd numbered parts are available in the 184 pin package. The BF703 is available in only the 184 pin package.
The BF703 pinmux XML file looks correct to us as it has the extra Port C pins for the 184 pin package. There is no need to select the 184 CSP_BGA package since the pinmux configuration that CCES generates is for the 184 pin package.