We have two libraries. One is compiled with -double-size-64 and another is compiled with -double-size-32.Is there a way to link these into two into a final DXE?
No, we cannot mix DOUBLE64 with DOUBLE32, Both files must be compiled with the same usage of -double-size{32|64}. Otherwise, it will throw an error while linking.
We recommend to refer the table "Use of the -double-size-{32|64}switch" in the below CCES help page for the combinations of switch that we can use and don't use.
CrossCore® Embedded Studio 2.x.x > SHARC® Development Tools Documentation > C/C++ Compiler Manual for SHARC® Processors > Compiler > C/C++ Run-Time Model and Environment > Data Storage Formats > Floating-Point Data Size
So, rebuild object files is necessary to ensure that they have consistent qualifiers.