How to convert and clip the double precision floating-point type in C ?
For convert the long double (64bit) to float (32bit) and int (32bit), we can use the Cast conversion.
volatile long double ld_value = 3.14159265358979323846L; // Example long double value
// Convert long double to float
float float_value = (float)ld_value;
// Convert long double to int
int int_value = (int)ld_value;
For clip the long double precision floating point (64bit), we can use "long double fclipd (long double x, long double y);" from math.h. The 'fclipd' functions return the first argument if its absolute value is less than the absolute value of the second argument; otherwise, they return the absolute value of the second argument if the first is positive, or minus the absolute value if the first argument is negative.
long double min_value = 10.0l; // Example minimum value
long double max_value = 1.0l; // Example maximum value
// Clip the input value within the specified range
long double clipped_value = fclipd(min_value, max_value); // output of clipped_value is 1.0l