How To remove automatically added "includes" folders in CCES project
We can clear out includes branch of Project Explorer tree by disabling “Crosscore SHARC Built-in Specs Detector” option.
To do this, follow the below steps:
1) Go to CCES Menu bar, Window -> Preference -> C/C++ -> Property Page Settings
2) In this tab uncheck the "Display Preprocessor Include Paths page" option
3) Click Apply and Close.
4) Again, Go to the same tab and check the "Display Preprocessor Include Paths page" option. Then Apply and Close.
5) Go to project Properties -> C/C++ General -> Preprocessor Include Paths, Macro etc.
5) Go to Providers tab and uncheck the option "Crosscore SHARC Built-in Specs Detector" Then Apply and Close.
6) Now "Includes" folder from the corresponding project will be removed.