For processors with Cortex-A5 cores, such as ADSP-SC573, ADSP-SC589 and ADSP-SC594, the Cortex-A5 and SHARC cores can both be debugged simultaneously in CCES via the CrossCore Debugger using our proprietary emulation libraries. CCES also supports debugging the Cortex-A5 core alone (without the SHARC cores) via OpenOCD.
For processors with Cortex-A55 cores, such as ADSP-SC598, the Cortex-A55 core is not supported by the CrossCore Debugger. Instead, the Cortex-A55 core is debugged via OpenOCD while the SHARC cores are debugged via the CrossCore Debugger. The Cortex-A55 and SHARC cores can be debugged simultaneously using CrossCore Launch Groups
(see "CrossCore® Embedded Studio 2.x.x > Integrated Development Environment > Debugging Targets > Debugging ADSP-SC5xx SHARC+ and ARM Projects > Using CrossCore Launch Group for ADSP-SC598 Family Applications (Heterogeneous Debug)" in the CCES help).