What could be the reason for getting network outage issue while activating CCES license
Below are the list of issues we may get while activating CCES license
-network outage
- Firewall blocking access to the ADI activation server
- Maintenance of the ADI activation server
This error message can be caused by a network outage, a firewall blocking access to the ADI activation server or Maintenance of the ADI activation server. This error can occur during one-step activation. First, open a Web browser and confirm that you can open the URL without any network or firewall problems. If you have no problems then please try activating your license again in the New License Wizard.
If you are still unable to activate the license through one-step activation, on the Select license activation method page of the New License Wizard, select the Install a temporary license and then register your serial number with your Host ID in the below link to receive the validation code:
Please refer the "Validating the license" chapter for validating your serial number in the below CCES licensing guide:
If you are still facing any issues in activation of CCES license,please provide the below details to our private support through the link below:
Or you can email to Processor Tools Support through:
1.License.dat file from C:\ProgramData\Analog Devices\CrossCore Embedded Studio
2.Screenshot of the manage license page(CCES help -> Manage License).
3.Copy the license report in a notepad (CCES Help -> Manage Licenses -> Report) and send to