How to modify the Interrupt Vector Table with respect to the user defined Interrupt handler?
Step1: First, We need to define User defined Interrupt handler as below
#pragma interrupt_complete
Void userFunction()
Step 2: Open system.svc and go to the Startup Code/LDF tabs and select 'Permit alteration of Interrupt Vector Table entries.
Step 3: Goto Project properties-> C/C++ Build-> Crosscore ARM Bare Metal C Compiler -> General. Select "Save temporary files for editing app_IVT.s file
Step 4: Open app_IVT/s, edit the line that represents the interrupt that we wish to associate our handler with as follows:
For example, if we want to edit timer high interrupt, then we should modify INT_IRQ(TMZHI) to INT_JUMP(TMZHI, _my_function)