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Migrating project from VisualDsp++ to CrossCore ADSP-21363


I need to port a VisualDSP Project to CrossCore Embedded Studio. I used the CrossCore import VisualDSP Project

method. Firstly, when I tried build the project it throws out the Linker Error: 

When I copied libraries from VisualDsp++ and added library path with this files, now I have Erorr:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="file:///E:/Analog Devices/CrossCore Embedded Studio 2.4.0/System/linker_log.xsl"?>
<DOCUMENT gen_time='Mon Nov 21 01:50:44 2016
<MSG id='00964E30' mid='li1032' type='Error' >
<TEXT><![CDATA['363_hdr.doj' is not a valid input file.]]></TEXT>

Maybe you can point something out to help me track the problem down. If you need further Information, please let me now. In attachment I added mine project, added libraries and ldf file, which I'm using.




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