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ADSP-BF706 EZKIT-Mini audio distortion when running example projects.

Category: Software
Product Number: ADSP-BF706
Software Version: CCES 2.12.0, ADSP-BF706 EZKIT Mini BSP 1.1.0

When running both the TalkThrough and FilterCallback examples on the ADSP-BF706 EZKIT Mini, the headphone output produces an extreme amount of ringing distortion and noticeably no signal seems to be passed through. The FilterCallback example does appear to change when PB1, but each instance just produces a different kind of extreme distortion. This has been experienced while running the target in Debug from CCES. An existing issue suggested changing the clock settings for the codec, but this no longer seems to be applicable with CCES v2.12.0 and v1.1.0 of the Board Support Package. Any advice on why this might be happening would be greatly appreciated.

Thread Notes

  • Hi,

    Could you please confirm if you have applied the below patch to your adi_adau1761.c file and whether the issue persists?

    Patch to apply in adi_adau1761.c located at:

    C:\Analog Devices\ADSP-BF706_EZ-KIT_Mini-Rel1.1.0\BF706_EZ-Kit_MINI\Blackfin\src\drivers\codec\adau1761\

    For the two calls of adi_sport_ConfigClock(), replace the fourth parameter (true,) in each with:

    #if __CCESVERSION__ >= 0x02040000

    false, /* CCES-11151 fixed */


    true, /* passing true compensates for CCES-11151 */


    After applying this patch in the adi_adau1761.c file, we can successfully obtain audio output without any distortion. We tested this in CCES 2.12.0 with the "ADSP-BF706_EZ-KIT_Mini-Rel1.1.0" BSP.

    Hope this helps.

    Best Regards,