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I didn't see any launch application after installing

Category: Software
Software Version: ADI_CrossCoreEmbeddedStudio-Rel2.12.0

Hi Team, 

I'm very new to AD and this is my 1st project with AD.

We are using ADSP-21569 DSP audio codec.

For that, I'm trying to install the CrossCore IDE (ADI_CrossCoreEmbeddedStudio-Rel2.12.0.exe) in my Windows PC.

I'm seeing only "C:\Analog Devices\CrossCore Embedded Studio 2.12.0\ARM\gcc-arm-embedded\arm-none-eabi\lib\ldscripts" folders and at last one *.tmp file inside.

I didn't see any IDE application launch.

Am I missed anything?

(or) any approvals/license required from my end ?

Kindly guide me to move further.

Thank You.

Best Regards,


Thread Notes

  • Hi Raja,

    We can be able to install latest version of CCES 2.12.0 on our windows PC using the installer "ADI_CrossCoreEmbeddedStudio-Rel2.12.0.exe" which is downloaded from our website successfully. So we suspect issue might be specific to your PC or any settings in your PC. Could you please ensure whether you have the appropriate permissions on your User Account to install software. Also ensure that your PC satisfies the "Systems Requirements" for CCES. Please refer the below CrossCore Embedded Studio product page for "Systems Requirements"

    And, please let us know whether you have installed any antivirus software. If so, please uninstall the antivirus software and then try again.

    You can find latest version of CCES 2.12.0 from the below link.

    If you are still facing the same issue, have you access to any other machine? If so, please try to install CCES in other PC and let us know how you gets on.

    Also, could you please share us screenshot of issue/behavior you are facing.


  • Hi Nishanthi,

    Thanks for your response.

    Now, I'm able to see the installations in C:\ directory and also able to see the "Crosscore Embedded Studio" app.

    Issue was, I have installed the '.exe' with "Beyond Trust endpoint security software".

    Now I excluded and it's installed successfully.

    Now, I want to boot the ADSP-21569 board.

    What are the further steps?

    any sequence document available for,  Where to get the source? How to compile? How to flash? How to boot? etc

    Thank You.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Raja,

    Please refer the chapter "5. Using Loader Files" in the Readme file of the Power On Self Test BSP example from the below path about create a loader file and program the LDR image to flash.

    You can download and install the 'ADSP-21569 Board Support Package' from the below link:

    After installation, you can find "Power_On_Self_Test" example in the below path:
    <Installation path>\Analog Devices\ADSP-2156x_EZ-KIT-Rel1.0.1\ADSP-2156x_EZ-KIT\Examples\Power_On_Self_Test

    Hope this helps.


  •  Hi Nishanthi,

    Thanks for your response.

    Now, I'm stuck with the licensing issue.

    My company is in a discussion mode with AD to get the license.

    But before that, I want to start my analyzing works.

    So, I had given some Serial number (random/somewhere I got). Now, it's showing today is the expiry date.

    Now, I want to switch the License section to '90 days evaluation license' section but I failed to switch.

    I have un-installed and tried but my MAC address is linked to that license. So, it's again showing to enter/validate the Serial number.

    1) How do switch back to the 90 days eva license section?

    2) Is there any other option to debug/compile the RTOS source until get the proper serial/validation code?

    Guide me to move further.

    Thank You. 

  • Hi Raja,

    From your screenshot, we noted that your Evaluation license is not validated yet.

    If the evaluation license installed but not activated, this license allows 10 days of operation (grace or trial period) before it expires and becomes disabled.

    The license can be re-enabled by activation. In order to unlock the complete evaluation period, an evaluation license must be validated.

    Please use the below link to register license with the Host ID to receive the validation code.

    For validating the license please refer the chapter "Validating a License" in the CCES licensing guide which is linked below:

    For more information, please refer below FAQ to obtain evaluation license for CCES


  • Hi Nishanthi,

    Now, I'm successfully installed/Registered and verified the License.

    Thanks for your support.

    But I'm not remember where I got the serial number which I'm using currently Slight smile

    Is this license suite for all kind of AD modules (like, SARAC, Blackfin, ADSP etc) ? 

    Is this permanent for my PC? Is there any updates required in later stages?

  • Hi Raja,

    An evaluation license can be obtained from CrossCore Embedded Studio, which offers a tool chain evaluation license the first time it runs. It can be activated once on a particular machine. Once entered and activated, the license will be valid for 90 days for the Blackfin and SHARC processor families.

    After this 90 days expires, you need to buy a full license for CCES. You can buy the full license from the below link:

    For more details on pricing, please contact your local ADI sales office or authorized distributor. To locate one, go to

    Regarding CCES full license, please refer the CCES licensing guide which is linked below:
