Is it possible to use a custom platform when specifying the "platform"? We have a system that has 2 devices on the JTAG chain and the platforms listed using "--list" command do not support this type of configuration.
Thanks you!
This device is a member of the ADSP-BF70x Blackfin Digital Signal Processor (DSP) product family. The new Blackfin+ processor core combines dual-MAC 16...
ADSP-BF707 on
Is it possible to use a custom platform when specifying the "platform"? We have a system that has 2 devices on the JTAG chain and the platforms listed using "--list" command do not support this type of configuration.
Thanks you!
We are checking on this internally and will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you for checking this out for us.
If your have a custom platform added using the configurator, it should appear using the CCES_Runner’s “—list” command. For example, we have added a custom platform with the configurator name “Dual BF”:
And running ./CCES_Runner.exe --list shows the following:
Target: Blackfin CS Emulator
Platform: Dual BF
You would use this custom platform like so:
./CCES_Runner.exe --processor ADSP-BF707 --target ”Blackfin CS Emulator” --platform “Dual BF” …
The custom platforms are stored in the Windows registry per CCES install, so you may want to confirm that you have added the custom platform using the platform configurator for CCES 2.11.1, as shown in the screenshot.
This worked! Thank you. I had actually created the platform in a different version of CCES and that's why it had not shown in the "--list" command.