I’m using the ADSP-SC5xx EZ Kit Lite Release 2.0.2 and CCES 2.10.1. I was able to run Power_On_Self_Test_SC584_Cortex just fine and view the results in the console window.
I’m trying to run the Stand-alone DDR Test as outlined in help file Readme_Power_On_Self_Test_SC584.html.
I loaded the sample project from this directory: C:\Analog Devices\ADSP-SC5xx_EZ-KIT_Lite-Rel2.0.2\ADSP-SC5xx_EZ-KIT\Examples\Power_On_Self_Test\EZ-Board\sc584\sharc
It loads a project with the name Power_On_Self_Test_SC584_SHARC_Core1 just as shown in the readme instructions.
When building, it stated that it couldn’t find the ldf file, so I created one. The program builds with no errors.
Then I create a new Debug Configuration. In the CCES Debugger, I load Power_On_Self_Test_SC584_SHARC_Core1 into Device 0 [Core 1].
By default the file C:\Analog Devices\CrossCore Embedded Studio 2.10.1\SHARC\ldr\ezkitSC584_preload_core0_v01 is loaded into Device 0 [Core 0]
I tried running this but there was no output in the console window.
The help file Readme_Power_On_Self_Test_SC584.html states:
NOTE: Select the preload executable from the C:\Analog Devices\ADSP-SC5xx_EZ-KIT_Lite-Relx.x.x\ADSP-SC5xx_EZ-KIT\Examples\Power_On_Self_Test\Custom_Init_Preload_Code\prebuilt_exe path
Create a temporary executable and run it on A5 Core.
I went to that path described above,and tried to load “Post_Preload_SC584_Core0” from the directory listed above into the Core 0 Debug Configuration.
Then I get this message in a window titled main() at Post_:
"Can't find a source file at "D:\BLV_Codes\Trials\POST\POST files_from_Subbu\Power_On_Self_Test_24 Nov_SC584\Custom_Init_Preload_Code\Post_Preload_SC584_Core0\src\Post_Preload_Core0.c"
I don't have a drive D: so don't know what it is looking for.
Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location."
By looking at ezboard_sharc.c I also noticed that __DEBUG_UART__ is not enabled. How do I enable it?
Any suggestions on how to get this working?