I'm writing uart sample code for test.
I'm using BF706 chip and trying to use uart0 and now I can send data via uart0 and have an issue while I'm getting data via uart rx interrupt.
I have searched here and found reference code I can try but it's not working as I expected.
What I referred is below link and I copied uart rx handler code from here.
When I install uart_rx_interrupt, I could get interrupt but keep getting even though there is no uart transfer so I have no idea how to clear art rx flag.
If I disable "adi_int_InstallHandler(INTR_UART0_STAT, Uart0Interrupt, NULL, true);" at UartInit(), I could see uart messages coming out via PC terminal so t's working.
If I enable "adi_int_InstallHandler(INTR_UART0_STAT, Uart0Interrupt, NULL, true);" at UartInit(), I could not see any message coming out.
If I trace code via jtag, I could see that after install handler, handler keep posted so couldn't get next line of code.
I think I missed something what I should do but not sure what I missed.
So could some help how to get uart rx interrupt handler whenever I send data from PC?
void Uart0Interrupt(uint32_t iid, void* handlerArg)
uint32_t stat = *pREG_UART0_STAT;
uint32_t intV = *pREG_UART0_IMSK_SET;
rxBuf[rxCount] = *pREG_UART0_RBR;
if( (rxBuf[rxCount] == '\r') || (rxBuf[rxCount] == '\n') )
memcpy(rxBuf, uartRxBuf, rxCount);
bUartRxFlag = true;
if(rxCount >= (UART_RX_BUFF_LEN - 1))
rxCount = 0;
void UartInit(uint32_t uartNum)
/* open the UART driver in Tx mode only */
adi_uart_Open(uartNum, ADI_UART_DIR_BIDIRECTION, driverMemory, ADI_UART_BIDIR_DMA_MEMORY_SIZE, &hUartDevice);
adi_uart_SetMode(hUartDevice, ADI_UART_MODE_UART);
adi_uart_SetBaudRate(hUartDevice, 115200);
adi_uart_SetNumStopBits(hUartDevice, ADI_UART_ONE_STOPBIT);
adi_uart_SetWordLen(hUartDevice, ADI_UART_WORDLEN_8BITS);
adi_int_InstallHandler(INTR_UART0_STAT, Uart0Interrupt, NULL, true);
void UartWrite(uint8_t* pBuf, uint32_t len)
/* write data to the UART device using a blocking write */
adi_uart_Write(hUartDevice, pBuf, len);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
* Initialize managed drivers and/or services that have been added to
* the project.
* @return zero on success
/* Begin adding your custom code here */
if(adi_pwr_Init(0, CLKIN) != ADI_PWR_SUCCESS)
printf("Failed to initialize power service \n");
return 0;
sprintf((char*)uartTxBuf, "Hello there!!!..%d\n", count++);
UartWrite(uartTxBuf, strlen(uartTxBuf));
if(bUartRxFlag == true)
UartWrite(uartRxBuf, strlen(uartRxBuf));
bUartRxFlag = false;
return 0;