There are several options for calculating the parameter values you should download to the SigmaDSP control port. Here are a few examples:
- Open the capture window in SigmaStudio and change a parameter to a new value. The capture window shows you what address to download to and what values to write. It will also show if the write should be a block write, individual write, or safeload write.
- Use the filter coefficient calculator (Tools...Fixed Point Filter Table Generator) to calculate values for filter coefficients. You can export these and include them in your microcontroller compilation.
- Use the coefficient calculation equations in the SigmaStudio help file to calculate your own coefficients. You can also implement these equations in a system's microcontroller to calculate coefficients during system operation.
- Use programs like MatLab to calculate IIR coefficients.
For complete listings of parameter addresses and values in a number of formats, use the "Export System Files" function in SigmaStudio after compiling your project. The "Export System Files" button is located in the main toolbar.
This FAQ was generated from the following discussion: How can I change parameters on-the-fly in an application without SigmaStudio?