Question: Can ADI provide the USB interface firmware code for my self-assembled PCB or end product? Can an end user use SigmaStudio?
Answer: According to the SigmaStudio End User License Agreement (EULA), SigmaStudio cannot be distributed with an end-user product. SigmaStudio is only allowed to be used during the design and tuning stages of a product, and it cannot be distributed to end customers. In other words, SigmaStudio should only be used by customers who have purchased an evaluation board.
Here are the related sections of the SigmaStudio EULA, for reference:
1. GRANT OF LICENSE. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, Analog Devices grants you the non-exclusive right to install and use a single object code copy of the Software on a single personal computer and to use the accompanying software documentation ("Documentation") in connection with your use of the Software solely for the Permitted Purpose described in Section 2 of this Agreement.
2. THE PERMITTED PURPOSE. The Software may only be used to program products purchased from Analog Devices ("ADI Products") for incorporation by you into audio products that are intended for resale to audio product end users (the "Permitted Purpose"). Code generated by use of the Software may be loaded onto the ADI Products as incorporated into your audio products but may not be distributed in any other form.
14. ASSIGNMENT. You may not sell, license, assign, or otherwise transfer the Software, the Documentation or any Plug-Ins without the written permission of Analog Devices, which may be withheld in Analog Devicess sole discretion. Any such sale, license, sublicense, assignment, rental or transfer in breach of this provision shall be void.
Since SigmaStudio should only be used in the development cycle of audio products, ADI will provide support for the EVAL-ADUSB2EBZ (USBi) interface which ships with evaluation kits and can be purchased separately from the website. The USBi interface can easily be connected to a prototype board for in-system tuning prior to mass production.
However, firmware for the Cypress FX2LP USB microcontroller (or the older Microchip PIC16LF877 / FTDI FT245BL interface) cannot be provided or supported.
End users of audio products using SigmaDSP are, per the terms of the EULA, not permitted to use SigmaStudio.
This FAQ was generated from the following discussion: Can ADI provide or support the USB interface firmware code for my self-assembled PCB or end product?