How do I report a SigmaStudio bug?
Since there is no public database for reporting SigmaStudio bugs, please post any bug reports you may have on the EngineerZone forum, in the SigmaDSP section. Please make a new thread for each issue.
In the subject line for the discussion, start with the words [Bug Report] (in square brackets), and then make a brief name for the bug. In this example, I named the discussion [Bug Report] Example. You could, for example, make a topic called [Bug Report] Filter Response Error.
Include the following information in your post:
Title: Brief name of the issue (include this in the subject line)
Description: A detailed summary of the issue, including instructions on how to reproduce the issue, and any other relevant information or project files.
SigmaStudio Version: The current version of SigmaStudio you are using.
OS: Your operating system, including service packs. Please also let us know if you are using an international localized version of Windows.
When the bug is fixed, I will change the subject line to [Bug Report] [FIXED] so other users will be aware of the update.
Please tag your post with "SigmaStudio" and "bug_report" using the Tags section on the posting page.
This FAQ was generated from the following discussion: [Bug Report] Example