Hi everybody,
I thought I would contribute to the selection of FAQs on EngineerZone by writing up a short summary of a question that is often asked on the forums.
Q: For my audio application, I intend to use SigmaDSP. Can I develop my own algorithms using the SigmaStudio development tools?
A: The most concise answer to that question is "no". Neither assembly coding nor C coding is supported, but...
• SigmaStudio includes an extensive library of algorithms to perform audio processing. Complex algorithms can be built from simple building blocks.
• Plug-in algorithms from Analog Devices and 3rd party partners can be added to SigmaStudio's drag-and-drop library.
• Generally, a license is required
• Contact 3rd party algorithms developer directly for licensing information
• Contact an ADI engineer on EngineerZone for access to Analog Devices algorithms not included in the standard SigmaStudio installation
• A list of algorithms (including 3rd party algorithms) can be found here: http://www.analog.com/en/processors-dsp/sigmadsp/products/sigmastudio_algorithms/fca.html
Hopefully this is helpful for newcomers to the world of SigmaDSP!
This FAQ was generated from the following discussion: FAQ: Developing custom algorithms and/or using 3rd party algorithms