SigmaStudio 3.4 Released by BrettG
I already posted this as an announcement, but I will post it again as a thread in case anybody has questions related to the download page or installation.
SigmaStudio 3.4 is now available from the download page on The biggest new feature is that this version now fully supports Windows 7 SP1, both 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit versions. Separate installers for each version are included in the download file. The full list of enhancements in version 3.4 includes the items in the list below. This can also be found in the readme file included in the installation.
• Fixed size of General 2nd Order Filters Frequency control to always display 5 digits and Tooltip
• Incremented Chebyshev ripple from 5 to 10 on 2nd order filters.
• Added multiply value to Real Time display to scale the signal read back from the DSP.
• Parametric EQ IIR coefficient window bug fix.
• Fixed the Hard Clip, Soft Clip, and Advanced Clip algorithms multiple parameter write upon algorithm growth
• Added the following new algorithms/modules:
o Bitwise Logic (ADAU144x, ADAU176x, ADAU178x)
• Linear Interpolator Block no longer supports invalid Number of Points in Table and Serialization fixed for Max/Min saving values when Min saved as 1.0
• ParametricEQ:
o When disabling and enabling a filter, sometimes the Boost value goes to zero.
o Boost value now goes from +30 dB to -100 dB, before it went to -30 dB.
• Added the following new algorithms/modules:
o Single Band Level Detector Running Average (ADAU144x, ADAU176x, ADAU178x)
o Single Band Level Detector Direct Read (ADAU144x, ADAU176x, ADAU178x)
• Added the Real Time Display algorithm, which is a graphical version of the Readback algorithm.
• Added Signal Detect algorithm and cell
• Fixed bug on non programmable IC’s (showing a communication error)
• HW Configuration and Schematic Tabs are displayed as tabs and not as buttons.