Updated self-boot EEPROM image generation / download by BrettG
Up until version 3.1.9 of SigmaStudio, there were some issues with the ADAU1442 self-boot functionality. These will be fixed in the next SigmaStudio release, which will probably be available this month or next. This post has a brief description of the updated functionality, which will be available for all SigmaDSP processors that use self-boot.
Method 1 : Automated Generation / Download
In the hardware configuration tab, add an E2Prom IC to the USBi Interface.
Create a simple project, like this one that outputs a 1 kHz test tone to the serial port.
Link-Compile-Download the project.
Right click the ADAU144x and select "Write Latest Compilation to E2PROM". Then self-boot the system by resetting the SigmaDSP while holding its SELFBOOT pin high.
Method 2 : Manual Generation / Download
Alternatively, you can use the capture window. After link-compile-downloading, click the top line of the capture window and then shift-click the bottom line to select all lines.
Click-drag these rows over to the sequencer.
Click the "Export Sequence Data..." button.
Under "Save as type," select the new EEPROM(ascii) (*.hex) format to generate a .hex image file. This lets you save many different image files for different projects.
Click the IC 2 - WinE2PromLoader tab in SigmaStudio's hardware configuration view.
Click in the upper white rectangle and then locate the .hex file you just saved from the sequencer.
Click the download button to download this data to the EEPROM on your target board. Then self-boot the system by resetting the SigmaDSP while holding its SELFBOOT pin high.