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Problems with multiply - AD1940 on SigmaStudio

I'm using two sources, one DC with 28.0 and a sine tone, then multiplying it and using the real time display (in 28.0 format) to see the result. The negative numbers are represented as the maximum positive value.

What am I doing wrong?

Also, when adding 1 to the sine, and multiplying this signal by a small integer number (20-100), the result doesn't seem like a sine at all. I'm trying to modelate a delay for effects like Flanger, since the Controlled Delay takes only integer delays, I'd like to know how I can do it?

I'm starting with the SigmaDSP and I'm a little (very, actually) confused since I'm used to "usual" DSPs and programming with lines...

Sorry for bad english, not a default speaker.