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TDM between AD1401 and AD1940 eval boards


     I've been able to send I2S stereo audio from a AD1401 eval board to a AD1940d board by connecting them as described in

     Now I'd like to try sending  TDM audio across the same interface, but cannot make it work.  As far as I can tell, the wiring between the boards as well as the boards' jumper settings remain the same for I2S and TDM.  After setting both chips' register controls for TDM, I find that the -1401 board is not sending any data to the -1940 board.

     I attached the project file for each board:

          1401 -- Two channels of analog in, straight to two used channels (out of eight) TDM

          1940 -- TDM in, two channels out to analog

     I'm hoping someone could look at the register settings therein and see what's wrong.

  •      Hello Brett,

         No worries.  Funny, though, I just spoke with Mike here and as it turns out, TDM is back into the design in question (a mixer with several SigmaDSP chips talking to each other).  We need more channels than what straight I2S can provide.  So I'd like to pursue the above question after all.  Sorry about the confusion.

         Best regards,


  •      Hello Brett,

         No worries.  Funny, though, I just spoke with Mike here and as it turns out, TDM is back into the design in question (a mixer with several SigmaDSP chips talking to each other).  We need more channels than what straight I2S can provide.  So I'd like to pursue the above question after all.  Sorry about the confusion.

         Best regards,


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