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ADAU1442 with Two ADAU1701



I am making a prototype for which my requirement is as given below:


1. SPDIF Input (1)


2. SPDIF Output (1)


3. Analog Input (at least 1 stereo channel)


4. Analog Output (at least 3 stereo channels)


For the above requirement, I think the least complex (cost-wise, component count wise) way is to use ADAU1442 with two ADAU1701/02.


Kindly guide me on my design thoughts below:


1. Use only one 12.288MHz crystal connected to ADAU1442 and use its MCLKO to drive the ADAU1701/2.


2. Use all three chips in selfboot  mode with their own EEPROMS. The contents of the two ADAU1701/2 may or may not be the same.


3. Set ADAU1442 address to 00 with its EEPROM address lines also set to 000


4. Set ADAU1701/2 to two different addresses 00, 01, 10 or 11 by using ADDR0 and ADDR1 lines. Say, 00 and 01.


5. Route the 2 x ADAU1701/2 ADC inputs to ADAU1442 for processing effectively using it only as a 2In, 4Out CODEC.


6. Route all the processed channels to the DACs of ADAU1701/2, effectively using it as a audio processor with SPDIF IN/OUT and SERIAL IN/OUT.


My doubts are as below:


1. For the ADAU1442:
  a. What should be the PLL0, PLL1 and PLL2 lines be set to?
  b. What should the CLKMODE0 and CLKMODE1 lines be set to?
  c. Will ADAU1446 also suffice in my case?


2. For the two ADAU1701/2:
  a. What should be the PLL0 and PLL1 lines be set to?
  b. What should be the EEPROM address lines be set to? I do not want to overwrite the SigmaStudio programmer EEPROM.


Any thoughts suggestions or corrections will be of much help to me.
DO let me know if you need any further details for better clarity.


Thanks in advance!



  • Hello KKSL,

    Are you starting this design from scratch and developing schematics, or working with available off-the-shelf options (ADAU1701s and ADAU1442)?

    For the price of an ADAU1442, you can instead consider the ADAU1451, which has 8K instructions, and 16Kdata memory (twice the memory of the ADAU1442) and has the SPDIF Input/Output.    I would assume this would be less board space and power?

    Perhaps you can consider the AD1938 codec (roughly less than the cost of 2 ADAU1701s), but if that is too much cost, you can consider any available commercially available 2-ch in x 4 -ch out codec.   The AD1838 is the codec used on the ADAU1452-MINIZ eval board will be sufficient for your application as the board has 4 inputs and 8 outputs and the ADAU145x also provides the ability to self boot like the other SigmaDSP parts you are considering.   The clocking scheme should be simple, you can set the ADAU1451 as the serial bus master for the codec and provide it's CLKOUT to the codec's MCLK pin.


  • Hello KKSL,

    Are you starting this design from scratch and developing schematics, or working with available off-the-shelf options (ADAU1701s and ADAU1442)?

    For the price of an ADAU1442, you can instead consider the ADAU1451, which has 8K instructions, and 16Kdata memory (twice the memory of the ADAU1442) and has the SPDIF Input/Output.    I would assume this would be less board space and power?

    Perhaps you can consider the AD1938 codec (roughly less than the cost of 2 ADAU1701s), but if that is too much cost, you can consider any available commercially available 2-ch in x 4 -ch out codec.   The AD1838 is the codec used on the ADAU1452-MINIZ eval board will be sufficient for your application as the board has 4 inputs and 8 outputs and the ADAU145x also provides the ability to self boot like the other SigmaDSP parts you are considering.   The clocking scheme should be simple, you can set the ADAU1451 as the serial bus master for the codec and provide it's CLKOUT to the codec's MCLK pin.


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