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ADAU1761 mic input settings

Hello all,

I am trying to give audio input through the microphone input ports (IN1 and IN2) of the EVAL-ADAU1X61EBZ board, but I am not able capture any signal from the output.

Anyone please tell me the settings/configuration needs to be done in order to give input through the microphone and to capture the output.

Thanks in advance,



  •      Hello Vidhya,

         Try the settings shown below:

    I had no microphones handy so I plugged headphones into Inputs 1 and 2.  I was able to get sound picked up by these "mics" into the ADC and onto the Level Meters as shown below:

         Best regards,


  • Hello Bob,

    Thank you for the reponse.

    I tried the exact settings as yours, but did not get any satisfying result. Level Meters are just showing some white noise. Are there any Jumper settings in the eval board ?



  •      Hello,

         Sorry it's still not working for you.  I did not change any jumpers to get my board working as above, but perhaps your board's jumpers have been disturbed.  Please check the following:

    • Jumpers described on Page 3 of the EVAL-ADAU1761Z manual.
    • If using electret condenser mic elements*, jumpers J15 and J18 need to be in place.  You also need to enable the MIC Bias (lower right corner of the Record Input Signal Path config screen).

    *  Note:  "Packaged" condenser mics (enclosed and ready to go on-stage) need "phantom power", usually a much higher DC voltage than the eval board provides.  These cannot be directly connected to the eval board.

        Does the eval board work with other inputs (such as a stereo input from a iPod or similar source to the IN 1 jack?   It's a good idea to review the eval board's schematic diagram, comparing it to the ADAU1761 data sheet, to see how things should connect.  For example, a single-ended mic needs to be connected "hot" to the ring (not the tip) of the stereo input jack IN1 or IN2.

         Best regards,


  • Hello Bob,

    Thank you so much for the help.

    It worked

