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1452 FFT Capability

Basic Question: Does the 1452 series of DSPs have any useful FFT capability?

As far as I can tell from these forums and in the software, the only thing you can do is add signals together. And unless I am mistaken, adding in the time domain is the same as adding in the frequency domain. So I don't see an benefit to using the current FFT capability of the 145X DSPs at all currently. The software suite looks like it has the potential, just no current use for FFT.

Thank you!

  • Hello,

    For now, the only frequency domain blocks available in SigmaStudio releases are what you see. The capability does exist, however, and it is possible for developers to create custom frequency domain blocks for their applications.



  • Of course this begs the question : Will we ever see more drag-and-drop functionality in the frequency domain?  Or is this somehow Inherently impossible? 

  • The next release will have more useful blocks to use like complex math functions to help process FFT data. There will be some more useful blocks coming out but inherently it tends to be a custom implementation. So customers who use the FFT functions tend to get custom cells written. I do think personally that a few useful cells might be some way to obtain the dominate frequencies in a signal.

    So let me ask, what would you like to see for functionality with FFT processing?

    Dave T

  • I think at least basic arithmetic functionality would be great (real and complex: addition, subtraction, square, square root.) That would at least allow for a few interesting FFT calculations to be done.

    I have seen the next release discussed a few times, is this in the near term?

    I also see you mention the custom implementation. What is the process for writing or getting a custom cell written?


  • Hello Mike,

    The next release should be out at the end of the month. It is frustrating that it has taken this long! It was supposed to be out in March.

    There are a few ways to get custom cells written. The first and most obvious is to schedule the purchase of a million or so parts and then ask for some custom work.  So you will say "jump" and we will ask "how high?".  

    Then there are some 3rd party firms that can do this custom work. You would negotiate a deal with them. Then your custom algorithm is yours and nobody else can use it.

    If the algorithm is something that we think would be important to add to the library for others then we may develop it and provide it to everyone. This is why I asked what you thought would be useful and what you need to have done. It may align with our needs as well.


    Dave T

  • Dave,

    Thank you for the information!

    Seems like the custom algorithm is out of the reach for an independent contractor/developer. My interest in the frequency domain is primarily aimed at potentially a better upmix algorithm. The ADI Surround algorithm in my testing has been pretty disappointing, and I know that it can more then likely be done better in the frequency domain (although with realistic block sizes it may not be better.) My initial needs are simpler than that, but that is the area I am interested in.

    It is good to hear that an update is on its way, and I may be able to do some of the stuff I am interested in with basic operators. Can you confirm whether the new release will contain basic operators like real and imag add, subtract, divide, multiply, and sqrt?

    Thanks for the help!


  • Hello Mike,

    It looks like it will only be complex multiply, divide, add and subtract. I do not know for sure since I have not seen the new release.

    For Surround you should look into the HDSX algorithm. Look at this post and scroll down to find the contact info.


    Dave T

  • I'd like to know more about the possibility of custom cells.  How are the 3rd party firms able to do this with what seems like zero documentation from ADI?  How would one request documentation on making custom cells?