SigmaStudio+ has an ancient user interface. Please develop a new useful and flexible user interface.
If possible, the VSCode interface is better and more modern for all users.
Best Regards,
The ADAU1761 is a low power, stereo audio codec with integrated digital audio processing that supports stereo 48 kHz record and playback at 14 mW from...
ADAU1761 on Analog.com
SigmaStudio+ has an ancient user interface. Please develop a new useful and flexible user interface.
If possible, the VSCode interface is better and more modern for all users.
Best Regards,
Hello Maydin,
We have been actively working on the user interface for SS+ and had our regular meeting on it this morning. There will be some significant updates coming out soon. Since you are internal to ADI please reach out to me directly via email. You can find me using Who's Who. David Thibodeau out of the Wilmington office.
We certainly welcome suggestions but you will have to give us specific details. There may be very good reasons for why it is like it is. Also, you mentioned the ADAU1797 which is a challenging processor to write a programming environment for. We are actively working on the interface for that part.
Reach out to me via email and we can get you involved on making it better.
Dave T