Good morning !
I am seeking some assistance trying to use Sigma Studio to program a Bluetooth amplifier I bought from I have the USBi programmer that they sell for use with the amps.
They provide a default file for programming the amp which is a .dspprj file. The new version of SigmaStudio+ (2.3.0) that I am using is looking for a .ssprj file. I wonder if that is the issue?
At any rate, when I connect the amp and the programmer to the computer and open Sigma, I cannot find any screens that allow me to connect with the amp and start making alterations. I double checked that the pins on the amp are set to programmer mode. I tried to import a Sigma Studio project but it asks for a .xlm file so also does not recognize the file that Tinysine has provided for me.
The Sigmastudio+ on my computer also looks nothing like what Tinysine provides in their tutorials, so most of that seems useless to me.
I fully admit that it may just be user error, but I would love some assistance to start programming this thing. I want to alter crossovers, play around with bass boost settings, change some of the button functions on the amp, and add the POT kit that I bought for it for volume, bass, and treble adjustments.
Here is the amp I purchased
And here is the default file they provided that I'm trying to use. They have another default file for the amp with my POT kit which is ultimately the one I need to use, but this should be what's loaded into my amp currently.
I do wonder if I would have better luck with an older version of SigmaStudio.
I'm tempted to try to create new project but having no experience with this yet, I'd much rather start with a pre built program for the amp I'm using so that I have less chance of messing something up, and probably a less frustrating learning curve.
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[edited by: GenevaCooper at 2:46 PM (GMT -5) on 11 Dec 2024]