Hi All,
I am working on a project where I need to run a ADAU1452 with external ADC's and DAC's at 96kHz samplerate. The ADAU1787 get its signal from the ADAU1452 via I2S at 96kHz samplerate interpolated to 768kHz.
The issue I'm having is that I can get signal into the ADAU1787 at 48kHz samplerate, but I cannot figure out how to get it working at 96kHz samplerate.
Before I dive back into the hardware I would like to check if there is anything I'm missing, as in this case there is lots to overlook.
Some facts/notes:
- The ADAU1452 + ADC's + DAC's are all working fine at 96kHz samplerate.
- The ADAU1787 SDSP core sampling rate is not critical, either 48 or 96kHz will be fine.
- The ADAU1787 FDSP core needs to run at 768kHz sampling rate. It's ADC's and DAC's run at the same rate.
- The two IC's are running in one Sigmastudio project, both communicating over the same USBi via I2C.
- The MCLK frequency is 24.576MHz.
- It is preferred to have the signal enter the ADAU1787 via the SDSP core for additional processing and metering, but directly into the FDSP core via an interpolator is ok too.
- There's a return signal from the ADAU1787 to the ADAU1452 that I'm having the same issue with, but that is not critical and I assume it is not working for the same reason.
The stripped project with just IO and notes is attached below.