I have difficulties with the "Check last compilation through DSP" feature of SigmaStudio v4.7.
With an evalboard EVAL-ADAU1467Z it works as expected. I can write and and check the EEPROM data through SigmaStudio using USBi adapter.
Also Selfboot works fine, when I pull SELFBOOT pin high.
But with our custom board, the "Check last compilation through DSP" fails always. The data shown in the capture window doesn't match the data of the EEPROM. It is not all 0x00 or 0xFF, just different to what is expected. But also not really random. seems to be always the same.
The captured data in SigmaStudio even does not match what I can see when checking the SPI bus with a logic analyser. Logic analyser properly shows the expected data 0xAA, 0x00, 0x00, etc.
So it seems that this is some kind of hardware problem on my custom board. Even SPI bus shows the correct data ADAU1467Z doesn't read the data correctly.
Or some nasty software bug in SigmaStudio.
This is what I already checked and confirmed with my custom board:
- Selfboot pin pulled low when using SigmaStudio "Check last compilation through DSP"
- ADAU1467Z boots correctly from EEPROM, if Selfboot is high. My little test programm works as expected (setting a LED, if Aux ADC reads a specific minimum value from poti)
-> so basically ADAU1467Z could read correctly from EEPROM and previous write was also fine. Connection between DSP and EEPROM is ok.
- Evalboard and my custom board use ADAU1467Z
- Evalboard and my custom board use same EEPROM 25AA1204 (actually I took EEPROM from evalboard to my custom board, to be really sure)
- checked the SPI signals with a scope to be sure that the levels are fine
- vary serial resistors within SPI lines from DSP to EEPROM, between 0R, 56R and 120R to reduce slew rate (I saw warning in ADAU1467Z datasheet on stagging of internal IOVDD in case of highspeed SPI clocks)
- changed the write speed parameter in SigmaStudio from original 10.000kHz down to 10kHz.
I attached my SigmaStudio project and logs from eval and custom board for the "Check last compilation through DSP".
All of this doesn't fix the problem.
Did anyone encounter a similar problem or could assist here, on both issues?Poti-LED.dspprojCheck last compilation through DSP - custom board.logCheck last compilation through DSP - evalboard.log