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Regarding the behavior of the adau1772 evaluation board

Category: Hardware
Product Number: ADAU1772

Hello. I recently purchased and am using the adau1772 evaluation board.

The power to the eval board is powered by USB.
For the input signal, I input a signal with OFFSET=0V, AMPLITUDE=500mV to AIN0 of J11 through a function generator. Also, to see the output, I am using it by connecting CLASS AB audio amp -> speaker to J23 in that order.
(Overall structure: function generator -> adau eval board -> audio amp -> speaker)
(The positions of each jumper are the settings that were delivered when it was first installed.)

When I first operated it as above, the sound was output well and various functions (inverting, PGA, etc.) on Sigma Studio worked well.

But suddenly, the appropriate address for operation is not entered in the register, and even if the appropriate address is entered, the sound is not output.

It may seem like a silly question, but I have no idea why it doesn't work.

I'm attaching the SigmaStudio file I used and a picture of the board.

Thank you.design1.dspproj