Hi to all, I thank in advance whoever can give me an answer.
I am using a demoboard with ADAU1701 (TINYSINE TSA1701) it is a little pretty board and works very well.
Now for my experiments I need to create a signal with a carrier of 40Khz (about) modulated in single side band. As input audio signal I am using a sine signal generator on 1Khz.
After hours spent finally I found this solution, using the Hilber transformate.
The question is that this project works very well, with my R&S spectrum analyzer I can see both sidebands distant of 2Khz from the center carrier (suppressed).
But.. when I use this project adding these blocks on another more complex the output frequency ot the sidebands is not more the same... the lower seems right, the upper is about 10Khz over..
The input signal is the same.. (1Khz) .. I can't understand why the behavior of this circuit changes like this from a project to another... the samplig frequency is the same, the Sigma Studio is the same, the hardware is the same but the result change..