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Revision History / Summary of differences in these revisions

Category: Hardware
Product Number: EVAL-ADUSB2EBZ

Dear Team,

There are many revisions of EVAL-ADUSB2EBZ  that were present , However, we see that there is no revision history that tells us about the differences in this board with every revision (for example what is the difference between Rev1.2,1.3,1.4 and 1.5)

Although I understand that most of Sigma 300/350 works well with 1.4 and 1.5 . I am particularly interested in the older versions(Rev1.2/1.3 etc) of this board and its evolutionary history.

Is there any document that can help me learn more about this and what differences does each revision hold in terms of SPI communication/ resistors/ Board .



  • Hello Zayn,

    No, we do not have a document detailing the revisions. 

    I do know that Rev 1.5 added a mode for A2B network where the formatting of the SPI commands needed to be different. 

    The earlier versions were mostly hardware related. The older revisions go way back. The 1.3 and 1.2 etc. One is where we added series resistors on the SPI output to protect the device when people would connect it to devices with other SPI masters and were damaging the boards. There was one software improvement to prevent the USBi from locking up in some corner cases. 

    Why are you asking?

    If you are connecting it to a SigmaDSP then Rev 1.4 or 1.5 is fine. If you are using A2B then Rev 1.5 is what you should have. 

    Dave T

  • Hi Dave ! 

    I am particularly interested in the revision where the resistors were not yet added to the SPI output lines.

    Can you mention the exact revision of the part.



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    in reply to Zayn

    Hello Zayn,

    First I need to mention that the sticker for 1.5 or 1.4 etc., is a software revision not a hardware revision. 

    For the PCB layout it is a date code. Here is a picture of one:

    The code is under the eval bard part number. This one is 121005_1

    This means October 5th 2012 and it was the second revision that day assuming there was a _0 or one with no underscore. 

    We do Year/month/day so when we use it in file names it will automatically sort to the newest at the bottom of the file list. 

    I will drop in a few schematics of older versions.





    All the rest are the PADs schematics files not PDFs so I cannot share those. 

    This should give you what you need. You will see that there were very few hardware changes. The big change was with the resistors. 

    It made a big difference. We had a problem with earlier versions being damaged but you see that it was a long time ago when we made the last change. Twelve years ago. 

    Dave T