Hi, I have been struggling to get external switches or rotary encoders to work on the Wondom AMP2 when programming it using an IPC3.
Whenever I connect up the switch or rotary encoder I cant get a readback value and then it seems to break the whole chip, only working again when I reboot.
Focusing on the switch first because its simpler.
I have got the switch connected to MP5 on the J3 connector and ground (pin 1 on the J4 connector). When I bridge the switch to ground, all the readbacks and features on the board disable
Edit: additional info for Dave as reply isn't working
Hi Dave, thanks very much for replying, I've been scouring the internet for answers and its all a bit over my head (for now anyway).
I have also tried using an external potentiometer and have not been able to get a successful readback (I have set the onboard ones to 100%), would you mind checking if my wiring is okay, like you say I think I am shorting power to ground (luckily the board seems resilient!)
Yep I agree I had the switch in the wrong place so here is an updated diagram that hopefully makes it clearer as I'm still only getting a readback of 1 when its open or closed.
If the rotary encoder requires soldering I would rather not attempt it, these are the encoders I bought
Thanks a lot for your help
Edits added to main post
[edited by: ollieb123 at 6:23 AM (GMT -4) on 16 May 2024]