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safeload write for Mid Eq

Category: Software
Product Number: ADAU1701

Hello there,

I'm testing the mid EQ filter in Sigmastudio, and got one question when safeloading the 5 coefficients into the ADAU1701,

once i changed the boost value and updated, the 5 coefficients were safeloaded two times, shown as below, 5 coefficients below the red line was the same as the datas above the line.

I didn't understand why these coefficients were safeloaded twice. Could anynone give some or explanation or clarification?


Best regards,


  • Hello Eason,

    How did you change the boost value? Did you grab the control and slide it or did you right click and enter a new value?

    Grabbing a slider you usually end up sending several changes as you go up. However, the coefficients would be different. This may be a small bug. 

    It would be good for you to include this small test project so I know exactly which block you are using. 

    Dave T

  • Hello Dave,

    Thanks for your response.

    I just clicked right and enter a new value to change the boost value, instead of grabing the control and sliding.

    Did you mean safeloading just one time is enough for updating the coefficients?

    The block i used is FIlters->Second Order->Single Precision->1 Ch->Medium Size Eq, enclosed please find the project.  

    Best regards,



  • Hello Dave,

    Thanks for your response.

    I just clicked right and enter a new value to change the boost value, instead of grabing the control and sliding.

    Did you mean safeloading just one time is enough for updating the coefficients?

    The block i used is FIlters->Second Order->Single Precision->1 Ch->Medium Size Eq, enclosed please find the project.  

    Best regards,



  • Hello Eason,

    I was busy yesterday and was not able to look at this further. This is why including the project in a post helps us to save time. Harish was able to work on this and found that this is a bug. He also found that it is not just with the ADAU1701 but it is for pretty much all the processors that have an EQ with a slider in the GUI. 

    This is a bug with SigmaStudio GUI and not with the actual DSP code produced. It should only be sending it once when you right click and enter a new value. You will see many writes when you grab the control and move it but even then it is sending each change twice! Your microcontroller code does NOT have to send it twice. Once is all that is needed. Your original instinct that something is wrong was correct and there should only be one write. 

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. 

    Dave T

  • Hello Dave,

    Just to confirm send it once is enough for updating the coefficients. 

    Thanks for your help.


  • Yes, once is enough

    Dave T