I'm working with the ADAU1467 Eval board, trying to set it up using a microcontroller through I2C. I've programmed it through Sigma Studio using I2C, and it works; sound starts playing through the speaker's I've connected to the output, and I see data being transferred on the SDATA_IN2 line between the ADAU1467 and the eval board's codec (an AD1937). However, if I send the exact same I2C messages sent by Sigma Studio with my microcontroller, it acknowledges all the received messages but data doesn't start transferring on SDATA_IN2, and sound doesn't start playing.
Using a logic sensor, I've confirmed that the register data being sent by my microcontroller is exactly the same as the data being sent by Sigma Studio. The codec is in standalone mode, and hasn't been reprogrammed from the standard code it comes programmed with. I'm using 2.2 Kohm resistors as the pull-ups for the I2C connection between the microcontroller and the ADAU1467.
Since the ADAU1467 is acknowledging all the messages, I assume I am actually updating the 1467 registers correctly, but for some reason it isn't beginning to communicate with the codec on the eval board unless it's programmed through Sigma Studio. Does Sigma Studio do anything to facilitate or start communications between the chips on the eval board outside of writing to the registers on setup? I can see it edits the 0xF208 and 0xF210 pins, which control the state of the serial input and output of the ADAU1467, but the microcontroller writes those as well. The only output I see in Sigma Studio is the written registers, and like I said I write to all the same registers in my microcontroller code.