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SigmaStudio for EVWSS

Category: Software


I am completely new in SigmaStudio, I would like to develop a electric vehicle warning sound system using SigmaStudio, It will be very helpful you guide me how to start on the same.

Thank you 

  • Hello Borkar,

    Your description seems bit general, However I have attached an example project here just to give an idea, please have a look.

    In this example, Let's say a music signal is playing, whenever your condition is met (let's say above 80kmph) and there should be trigger (a rising edge), As soon as the trigger signal comes, the music will be played along with the alarm signal. Once a trigger is encountered, the alarm signal will be played for 10sec (you can adjust it even for minutes), no matter you change the trigger input back to zero (logic LOW) within that 10sec. It will be constantly playing for 10sec. After 10sec it will stop and again check for a trigger signal. If it's low, then a normal music will only be playing. If it senses a rising edge (transition of logic LOW to HIGH) then the same repeats as described above.

    Since I don't know your exact requirement, I just give this project to you to have an idea about how this works. If you have any particular design or program flow or order of working, then I may be able to help you with a project as you expect.

    This attached project has a wav player, so the wav file is also attached here.

    Please mention which DSP you are using.


    Kindly do reply if you have further queries. 



  • Hello Harish,

    Thanks a lot for your support, I wanted to generate the artificial Engine Sound for electric vehicle (ex. Sound of Bullet Bike), for that I am planning to start with ADAU1450 DSP or you may suggest any appropriate microcontroller for my requirement.

    Thanks and Regards

    Gajanan Borkar

  • Hello,

    I am working on ESSToolBox I am experimenting with demo schematics of ESSToolBox which generates the Engine sound for electric vehicle.

    I have some doubt regarding vehicle speed change right now in demo schematic slider is used to change the vehicle speed but I wanted to use real throttle(or potentiometer) in place of slider so that speed changes based on throttle.

    It will be very helpful you guide me for the same.


  • Hello Gajanan,

    Please look at the below screenshot.

    The pot is at full rotation and the volume block is set for its maximum value.I have set the same value as you and both will produce the same result.

    Kindly do reply if you need further assistance.



  • Hello Harish,

    Thanks a lot for your support, I will try this and get back to you.



  • Hello Harish,

    Once again thanks for your support above schematic is perfectly working for me, now I have two doubts.

    1. How do I use self-boot feature along with the wave files in EEPROM, I see whenever I write schematics in to the EEPROM it is erasing the previously stored wav files but I want both.
    2. If I want to use the system for real time application which amplifier chip can be interface with ADAU1452 DSP, I want to connect at least 20watt speaker.

    Thank you in advance.


  • Hello Gajanan,

    Are you using any external flash memory to store the wav files? or you wrote the wav files to an EEPROM and overwriting this with your self-boot program? If you are writing a program to an EEPROM then the previously written program will be overwritten by the new program. It's like deleting the old program and writing the new program.

    If your wav files are small enough, then you can use wav player (internal/without trigger) and use the internal RAM and write the entire program to EEPROM and self-boot from it. Please look here.

    If those files are large, then you have to use an external flash memory to read the files. For that an instance of a master control port can be created with external memory to configure protocol, address etc. please look here.

    You can use the flash programmer to write those files to the SPI flash. please look here

    Are you using an external memory? since you didn't attach your project, I don't know what configs you did with the master control. port

    Regarding the amplifiers, take a look at this (2×, 31.76 W, Digital Input, Filterless Stereo Class-D Audio Amplifier)

    If you want more info, then feel free to post a question here: Amplifiers - EngineerZone (



  • Hello Harish,

    Thanks a lot for your inputs, right now I am using the EVAL-ADAU1452 board for experimenting and I was storing the wav files in EEPROM by using flash programmer I was not aware that small wave files we can be store in internal RAM as well. but in case if I want to store large wav files as we as self boot feature then do I need to use two flash memories one for storing the program(self boot feature) and one for storing the wav files.

    Below is the demo project which I am experimenting.



  • Hello Gajanan,

     Self-boot will be done by only using the main latch that is SS_M pin. Only this SS_M pin will be acting as a Slave Select pin for the SPI EEPROM embedded on the eval board. So, by using flash programmer module, you can see that you can only use other MP pins as a SS but not SS_M. So, it's not possible to use the flash programmer to write your wav files to the on-board SPI EEPROM. You can only use the flash programmer with external memory like SPI flash, etc.

    Initially you will store your wav files to your external SPI flash by using flash programmer (MP pin is used as a SS) and then another project is created with your own processing elements and a master control port instance. You have to provide the SPI flash configs like speed, address,etc. in this master control port instance. For the SPI flash config, you will use a MP pin as a SS here. This entire program (not the one with flash programmer) is supposed to be written to the on-board SPI EEPROM which is going to be self-booted. This is the usual process.



  • Hello Harish,

    Sorry for the late reply and Thank you for your response, I am new to DSP so it is little difficult to digest but I will spend more time and try to understand your explanations. actually I wanted to design my own PCB with ADAU1452 DSP and I wanted to use self boot feature and also want to store few wav files so for this do I need to use two memories one for self boot program storage and another flash memory for wav files storage?

    And if yes then which flash memory can be interface with ADAU1452 DSP, also it will be very helpful to me if you can provide pin connection in between flash memory and DSP.



  • Hello Harish,

    Sorry for the late reply and Thank you for your response, I am new to DSP so it is little difficult to digest but I will spend more time and try to understand your explanations. actually I wanted to design my own PCB with ADAU1452 DSP and I wanted to use self boot feature and also want to store few wav files so for this do I need to use two memories one for self boot program storage and another flash memory for wav files storage?

    And if yes then which flash memory can be interface with ADAU1452 DSP, also it will be very helpful to me if you can provide pin connection in between flash memory and DSP.


