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EVAL-ADAU1787Z USB Communication Failure Error

Hi, Dear ADI Team

I am currently developing using EVAL-ADAU1787Z evaluation board. 

I was following the User Guide to make a simple route for testing. 

The problem is that when I press Link Compile Download, it gives me the communication failure prompt as attached figure. 


- Windows 7 with SigmaStudio 4.6

- Desktop: Dell XPS 8100 USB2.0 ports only. 

USBi :

- USBi can be seen in Device Management list as "Analog Devices USBi (programmed)"

- In Hardware Configuration of SigmaStudio, USBi module turns green when plugged in. 

- Yellow and Red lights are on at USBi PCB. 


- Checked all jumpers and switches as EVAL-ADAU1787Z default settings on Figure 2 in User Guide.

- Switched USBi IOVDD to 1.8V

- on the EVAL board S7 is on left to be on , and S2 is left to be OFF, S3 is up to be I2C

- MCLK is using 24M ext, as setting J30 to EXT, J33 to OSC, and J32 and J4 Open.

- Followed steps in EVAL-ADAU1787Z User Guide (UG-1532) page 7 to page 8, made simple ADC->DAC route. 

- Finally pressing Link Compile Download in SigmaStudio, it gives the Communication failure Error. 

I have tried to search around for solution, all the related posts can not solve my issue.

I can see that someone may have a similar issue with a different EVAL board using USB 3.0 port, but I am keeping it on USB2.0. 

 Things I tried:

- tried to disconnect and re-plug USBi, same issue,

- tried to use different USB ports on a same machine, same issue

- tired to re-install USBi driver and Sigma studio, same issue.

- tried to use SigmaStudio 4.5 and 4.5 beta, same issue

- tried to setup on another win7 machine, same issue

- tried to setup on Windows 10, same issue.

Many Greetings. 
