Q: Why do the January, 2018 ADSP-214xx anomaly lists look so different?
A: The ADSP-214xx anomaly lists were revised to include new anomalies and to make technical corrections to one anomaly. As these lists were last revised in 2014, they were refreshed to align with current publication standards, resulting in significant aesthetic edits affecting most anomalies. ADI guarantees that all the modified anomalies not mentioned on the cover page as being added or modified for technical reasons are unchanged from a technical perspective when compared to the titles, descriptions, and workarounds found in the previous revision of these documents. As such, customers need not be concerned with the new appearance, as the previous revision of each document is technically accurate and supported by ADI. Specifically, for all anomalies modified for non-technical reasons:
1> ADSP-21467/21469 Anomaly List Revisions L (01/26/2018) and K (03/05/2014) are technically identical.
2> ADSP-21477/21478/21479 Anomaly List Revisions I (01/26/2018) and H (03/05/2014) are technically identical.
3> ADSP-21483/21486/21488/21489 Anomaly List Revisions L (01/26/2018) and K (03/05/2014) are technically identical.