This question is related to thread
I have used SPORT3 to load 2 DAC's. Here is the signal routing part
lcl_temp = *pDAI_IRPTL_H; // read the Latch register to clear interrupts
// for DAC1, switch to frame1
SRU(HIGH, PBEN14_I); // enable pin buffer for output
SRU(HIGH, DAI_PB14_I); // keep DAI_P14 (Frame2) at HIGH
SRU(HIGH, PBEN12_I); // enable pin buffer for output
SRU(SPORT3_FS_O, DAI_PB12_I); // DAI_P12 to SPORT3 Frame1
SRU(SPORT3_FS_O, MISCA2_I); // feed DAI_P12 (Frame1) to MISCA2
// now write to DAC1
// for DAC2, switch to frame2
SRU(HIGH, PBEN12_I); // enable pin buffer for output
SRU(HIGH, DAI_PB12_I); // keep DAI_P12 (Frame1) at HIGH
SRU(HIGH, PBEN14_I); // enable pin buffer for output
SRU(SPORT3_FS_O, DAI_PB14_I); // DAI_P14 to SPORT3 Frame2
SRU(SPORT3_FS_O, MISCA2_I); // feed DAI_P14 (Frame2) to MISCA2
// now write to DAC2
I have tested the above program, it worked fine.
Now I need to add DAC3 to be controlled by SPORT3, too.
If I borrow DB_O from SPORT2, can I define it as Frame3 and still share the CLK and DA lines from SPORT3? In other words, will the follwoing additional code work?
// for DAC3, switch to frame3
SRU(HIGH, PBEN12_I); // enable pin buffer for output
SRU(HIGH, DAI_PB12_I); // keep DAI_P12 (Frame1) at HIGH
SRU(HIGH, PBEN14_I); // enable pin buffer for output
SRU(HIGH, DAI_PB14_I); // keep DAI_P14 (Frame2) at HIGH
SRU(HIGH, PBEN10_I); // enable pin buffer for output
SRU(SPORT3_FS_O, DAI_PB10_I); // DAI_P10 to SPORT3 Frame3
SRU(SPORT3_FS_O, MISCA2_I); // feed DAI_P10 (Frame3) to MISCA2
// now write to DAC3
I have tried to read through chapter 9 of the ADSP-214xx hardware reference, esp. Figure 9-14, but still not sure if this is allowed.