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using external memory, 21569

Category: Software
Product Number: ADSP 21569

Hi . I made a test that I run the example program of LEDBlink. It worked well when I debugged with ICE1000, it also worked well when I burned the release ldr file into the flash(IS43TR16512BL-125KBLI). But if I chose the option "use external memory(SDRAM)" in LDF page, see the below picture, the program didn't not work after I burn the ldr file into flash and reset. 

Is there something I did wrong? If I want use the external memory, what I need to do or to set in the LEDBlink programe.


  • Hi,

    INIT code is used for DMC initialization in Booting.
    Have you added INIT code while creating the LDR file?  If not, the boot may fail, so please add the INIT code as below and check whether the booting works.
    Project Properties-> C/C++ Build-> Settings-> Tool Settings-> CrossCore SHARC Loader-> Initialization-> Initialization file(-init)-> Browse and add your INIT file.

    INIT code can be available in the below mentioned CCES installation path.
    [Installation directory]:\Analog Devices\CrossCore Embedded Studio 2.11.1\SHARC\ldr\ezkit21569_initcode.dxe


  • Hi,

    INIT code is used for DMC initialization in Booting.
    Have you added INIT code while creating the LDR file?  If not, the boot may fail, so please add the INIT code as below and check whether the booting works.
    Project Properties-> C/C++ Build-> Settings-> Tool Settings-> CrossCore SHARC Loader-> Initialization-> Initialization file(-init)-> Browse and add your INIT file.

    INIT code can be available in the below mentioned CCES installation path.
    [Installation directory]:\Analog Devices\CrossCore Embedded Studio 2.11.1\SHARC\ldr\ezkit21569_initcode.dxe


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