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ADSP-21569-SOM example

Category: Software
Software Version: (Rev 1.0)

1. The EV-21569-SOM manual (Rev 1.0) mentions the EV-21569-SOM BSP, but the current BSP provided by the official website, but the SOM is equipped with the EV-SOMCRR-EZKIT carrier board
Is EV-21569-SOM BSP available with EV-SOMCRR-EZKIT carrier board version?

2. EV-21569-SOM handles I2S and SPDIF, whether there is a Sample Code

Thanks You

Thanks You

  • Hi,

    Regarding "Question 1"
    >>> The examples codes available in EV-21569-EZKIT BSP tested with EV-21569-SOM-Ezkit and EV-SOMCRR-EZKIT. Please download BSP package of EV-21569-EZKIT using the below link.

    Regarding "Question 2"
    >> Yes, example code is available for I2S and SPDIF. After installation of BSP, please navigate as given below.
    I2S      :-   [installation Path]:\Analog Devices\EV-2156x_EZ-KIT-Rel1.0.1\EV-2156x_EZ-KIT\Examples\drivers\sport\SPORT_I2S_Mode
    SPDIF :-  [installation Path]:\Analog Devices\EV-2156x_EZ-KIT-Rel1.0.1\EV-2156x_EZ-KIT\Examples\drivers\spdif\SPDIF_Loopback
