Porting ADSP-21569 SS_App_Core1 to ADSP-21565, CCES build is fine. SS4G code and param are places in L2 as below:
mem_L2_bw { TYPE(BW RAM) START(0x20000000) END(0x2004ffff) WIDTH(8) } mem_L2UC_bw { TYPE(BW RAM) START(0x200fa000) END(0x200fdfff) WIDTH(8) } mem_L2BC_bw { TYPE(BW RAM) START(0x200fe000) END(0x200fffff) WIDTH(8) } #define MY_L2_UNCACHED_MEM mem_L2UC_bw #define MY_L2_CACHED_MEM mem_L2_bw /*$VDSG<insert-new-memory-segments> */ /* Text inserted between these $VDSG comments will be preserved */ #if !defined(MY_SDRAM_SWCODE_MEM) /* 96 kB reserverd for SS4G code */ mem_L2_bw_SS4G_Code { TYPE(BW RAM) START(0x20050000) END(0x200D7fff) WIDTH(8) } #endif #if !defined(MY_SDRAM_DATA1_MEM) /* 160 kB reserverd for SS4G data */ mem_L2_bw_SS4G_Data { TYPE(BW RAM) START(0x200D8000) END(0x200f9fff) WIDTH(8) } #endif
However, when link-compile schematic in SigmaStudio Plus, Schematic DXE generation failed:
> Compilation Started... > DiffDXESchematic_1: Compile Started - 00:04:31 AM ========== > DiffDXESchematic_1: Mode: Single Core > Framework_SH0.c .... : Successful! > SSn_SH0.asm .... : Successful! > FrameworkUtils_SH0.c .... : Successful! > CModulesIntern_SH0.c .... : Successful! > CModules_SH0.c .... : Successful! > Param_SH0.c .... : Successful! > SubProcess_SH0.c .... : Successful! > Schematic DXE generation failed! > [Error el2011] Invalid memory range and/or width for memory 'SS4SH_CODEB' > Block outside defined memory regions > Linker finished with 1 error > cc3089: fatal error: Link failed (code:1) > SH0 Memory allocation failed! > Error - Memory allocation failed! > Project Compilation failed
CCES 2.10 + SS4Sharc 4.7 does not reproduce this issue.
Does SigmaStudio Plus support ADSP-21565 ?