The signal is sent to SPORT by DMA.
When the digital signal is locked or unlocked, the normal sine wave may be distorted.
In this case, the internal value and the external value through SPORT by DMA may be different, resulting in distortion.
The reason for the difference is that there are 4 output channels, 2 channels are not distorted, 2 channels are distorted, and the internal values are the same for all 4 channels. 2 channels have the same data output from the DSP and 2 channels have different data output.
This phenomenon will continue to occur even if the lock is unlocked/locked unless the DSP is reset.
How is it possible that the internal data and the data coming out of the DMA are different?
How can I fix this?
This is occurring with the ADSP-21489, but does it not occur with the ADSP-21565?