I'm trying to get a simple I2S In --> Out to work on ADSP21569.
Fs: 48 kHz
MCLK: input from local osc on DAI pin; 24.576 MHz; routed to PCG A to generate the clocks. Clocks and routing is working (checked with scope).
Enabling SPORT4A (ADC) works without problems. The enable function with the same settings for SPORT2A (DAC) gets stuck. I also tried it with SPORT3A, but the enable function gets stuck too.
SPU is configured to generate secure transactions. DMA is used in Linked list mode. SRU settings should be correct (at least working for the clocks).
Is it necessary to configure a secure transaction for the SPORTx and the corresponding DMA channel as I did in SPU_Init function?
Is it neccessary to configure the static sport config additionally/identical to my SPORT_Init function where I call the config functions for data and clocks?
Please explain the data format in adi_sport_ConfigData function. I just want to handle standard PCM samples in I2S mode.
What does nClockRatio do in adi_sport_ConfigClock function? Is that the setting of the bitclock? But the BCLK is an input at 3.072 MHz... The description/documentation is unclear.
Is there anything I looked over?
See the important sections of the code below.
Kind regards,
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { //Initialize managed drivers and/or services that have been added to the project. adi_initComponents(); //Init system protection unit SPU_init(); //Init Debug interface (JTAG or UART) Debug_Init(DBG_INT_JTAG); //Init GPIOs GPIO_Init(); //Init precision clock generator PCG_Init(); //Init system routing unit SRU_Init(); //DMA Init DMA_Init(); //Init SPORT SPORT_Init(); DEBUG_PRINT("-----------------------\n"); DEBUG_PRINT("DSP in normal operation\n"); while(1){ } } //---------------- Functions -------------------------- //SPU IDs, p. #define UART0_SPU_PID 29 #define UART0_Rx_DMA_SPU 65 #define UART0_Tx_DMA_SPU 66 #define SPORT_0A_SPU 13 #define SPORT_0B_SPU 14 #define SPORT_1A_SPU 15 #define SPORT_1B_SPU 16 #define SPORT_2A_SPU 17 #define SPORT_2B_SPU 18 #define SPORT_3A_SPU 19 #define SPORT_3B_SPU 20 #define SPORT_4A_SPU 21 #define SPORT_4B_SPU 22 #define SPORT_5A_SPU 23 #define SPORT_5B_SPU 24 #define SPORT_6A_SPU 25 #define SPORT_6B_SPU 26 #define SPORT_7A_SPU 27 #define SPORT_7B_SPU 28 #define SPORT_0A_DMA_SPU 49 #define SPORT_0B_DMA_SPU 50 #define SPORT_1A_DMA_SPU 51 #define SPORT_1B_DMA_SPU 52 #define SPORT_2A_DMA_SPU 53 #define SPORT_2B_DMA_SPU 54 #define SPORT_3A_DMA_SPU 55 #define SPORT_3B_DMA_SPU 56 #define SPORT_4A_DMA_SPU 57 #define SPORT_4B_DMA_SPU 58 #define SPORT_5A_DMA_SPU 59 #define SPORT_5B_DMA_SPU 60 #define SPORT_6A_DMA_SPU 61 #define SPORT_6B_DMA_SPU 62 #define SPORT_7A_DMA_SPU 63 #define SPORT_7B_DMA_SPU 64 //Variables static uint8_t SpuMemory[ADI_SPU_MEMORY_SIZE]; static ADI_SPU_HANDLE hSpu; //SPU handle //Prepares System Protection Unit (SPU) configuration void SPU_init(void) { ADI_SPU_RESULT eResult; //Init eResult = adi_spu_Init(0, SpuMemory, NULL, NULL, &hSpu); if(eResult != ADI_SPU_SUCCESS){ printf("Error: SPU Secure Transfer not possible! Errorcode: 0x%08X\n", eResult); } //UART //Make UART0 to generate secure transactions eResult = adi_spu_EnableMasterSecure(hSpu, UART0_SPU_PID, true); if(eResult != ADI_SPU_SUCCESS){ printf("Error: SPU Secure Transfer not possible! Errorcode: 0x%08X\n", eResult); } //Make UART0 Tx DMA to generate secure transactions eResult = adi_spu_EnableMasterSecure(hSpu, UART0_Tx_DMA_SPU, true); if(eResult != ADI_SPU_SUCCESS){ printf("Error: SPU Secure Transfer not possible! Errorcode: 0x%08X\n", eResult); } //Make UART0 Rx DMA to generate secure transactions eResult = adi_spu_EnableMasterSecure(hSpu, UART0_Rx_DMA_SPU, true); if(eResult != ADI_SPU_SUCCESS){ printf("Error: SPU Secure Transfer not possible! Errorcode: 0x%08X\n", eResult); } //SPORT - Make SPORTs to generate secure transactions //ADC eResult = adi_spu_EnableMasterSecure(hSpu, SPORT_4A_SPU, true); if(eResult != ADI_SPU_SUCCESS){ printf("Error: SPU Secure Transfer not possible! Errorcode: 0x%08X\n", eResult); } eResult = adi_spu_EnableMasterSecure(hSpu, SPORT_4A_DMA_SPU, true); if(eResult != ADI_SPU_SUCCESS){ printf("Error: SPU Secure Transfer not possible! Errorcode: 0x%08X\n", eResult); } //MCU eResult = adi_spu_EnableMasterSecure(hSpu, SPORT_7A_SPU, true); if(eResult != ADI_SPU_SUCCESS){ printf("Error: SPU Secure Transfer not possible! Errorcode: 0x%08X\n", eResult); } eResult = adi_spu_EnableMasterSecure(hSpu, SPORT_7A_DMA_SPU, true); if(eResult != ADI_SPU_SUCCESS){ printf("Error: SPU Secure Transfer not possible! Errorcode: 0x%08X\n", eResult); } //DAC eResult = adi_spu_EnableMasterSecure(hSpu, SPORT_2A_SPU, true); if(eResult != ADI_SPU_SUCCESS){ printf("Error: SPU Secure Transfer not possible! Errorcode: 0x%08X\n", eResult); } eResult = adi_spu_EnableMasterSecure(hSpu, SPORT_2A_DMA_SPU, true); if(eResult != ADI_SPU_SUCCESS){ printf("Error: SPU Secure Transfer not possible! Errorcode: 0x%08X\n", eResult); } } void Debug_Init(uint8_t Interface){ //Init power service if(adi_pwr_Init(0u, 25000000) != ADI_PWR_SUCCESS) { printf("Failed to initialize power service \n"); } // Initialize the STDIO service if((eResult = adi_stdio_Init(&hSTDIOJTAG)) != ADI_STDIO_RESULT_SUCCESS) { printf("Failed to initialize STDIO service, Error Code: 0x%08X\n", eResult); } switch(Interface){ case DBG_INT_JTAG: //JTAG is the standard interface for printf break; case DBG_INT_UART: UART_Init(); break; default: printf("Selected debug interface not valid! \n"); return;; } DEBUG_PRINT("Debug interface initialized\n"); } void PCG_Init(void){ //BCLK config TDM16 ADI_PCG_CLK_INFO PCG_CLK_Inf_TDM16 = { ADI_PCG_CLK_EXT, //Clock Source 1u, //Clock Divisor for 24.576 MHz false //External Trigger }; //BCLK config I2S ADI_PCG_CLK_INFO PCG_CLK_Inf_I2S = { ADI_PCG_CLK_EXT, //Clock Source 8u, //Clock Divisor for 3.072 MHz false //External Trigger }; //FS config for 48 kHz ADI_PCG_FS_INFO PCG_FS_Inf = { ADI_PCG_FS_EXT, //Clock Source 512u, //Frame Sync Divisor 48 KHz 256u, //Pulse Width 1u, //Phase false, //External Trigger ADI_PCG_FSBYPASS_MODE_NORMAL //Bypass Mode normal }; //Init adi_pcg_Init(ADI_PCG_DEV_A, &PCG_CLK_Inf_I2S, &PCG_FS_Inf); adi_pcg_Init(ADI_PCG_DEV_B, &PCG_CLK_Inf_TDM16, &PCG_FS_Inf); DEBUG_PRINT("PCG initialized\n"); } //Prepares SRU configuration. void SRU_Init(void) { //Port Input Enable Control Register *pREG_PADS0_DAI0_IE = BITM_PADS_DAI0_IE_VALUE; *pREG_PADS0_DAI1_IE = BITM_PADS_DAI1_IE_VALUE; //---- MCLK Input ---- SRU(LOW, DAI0_PBEN04_I); //Set pinbuf to input SRU(DAI0_PB04_O, PCG0_EXTCLKA_I); //Route clock input to PCG A SRU(DAI0_PB04_O, PCG0_EXTCLKB_I); //Route clock input to PCG B //---- Clocks ---- //A2B SRU(HIGH, DAI0_PBEN09_I); //Output SRU(PCG0_CLKB_O, DAI0_PB09_I); //PCG B clk to A2B BCLK pin SRU(PCG0_CLKB_O, SPT0_ACLK_I); //PCG B clk to SPORT 0A SRU(PCG0_CLKB_O, SPT0_BCLK_I); //PCG B clk to SPORT 0B SRU(PCG0_CLKB_O, SPT1_ACLK_I); //PCG B clk to SPORT 1A SRU(PCG0_CLKB_O, SPT1_BCLK_I); //PCG B clk to SPORT 1B SRU(HIGH, DAI0_PBEN11_I); //Output SRU(PCG0_FSB_O, DAI0_PB11_I); //PCG B fs to A2B LRCLK pin SRU(PCG0_FSB_O, SPT0_AFS_I); //PCG B fs to SPORT 0A SRU(PCG0_FSB_O, SPT0_BFS_I); //PCG B fs to SPORT 0B SRU(PCG0_FSB_O, SPT1_AFS_I); //PCG B fs to SPORT 1A SRU(PCG0_FSB_O, SPT1_BFS_I); //PCG B fs to SPORT 1B //DAC SRU(HIGH, DAI0_PBEN03_I); //Output SRU(PCG0_CLKA_O, DAI0_PB03_I); //PCG A clk to DAC MCLK pin SRU(HIGH, DAI0_PBEN06_I); //Output SRU(PCG0_CLKA_O, DAI0_PB06_I); //PCG A clk to DAC BCLK pin SRU(PCG0_CLKA_O, SPT3_ACLK_I); //PCG A clk to SPORT 2A SRU(HIGH, DAI0_PBEN02_I); //Output SRU(PCG0_FSA_O, DAI0_PB02_I); //PCG A fs to DAC LRCLK pin SRU(PCG0_FSA_O, SPT3_AFS_I); //PCG A clk to SPORT 2A //ADC SRU(HIGH, DAI0_PBEN12_I); //Output SRU(PCG0_CLKA_O, DAI0_PB12_I); //PCG A clk to ADC MCLK pin SRU(HIGH, DAI0_PBEN20_I); //Output SRU(PCG0_CLKA_O, DAI0_PB20_I); //PCG A clk to ADC BCLK pin SRU2(PCG0_CRS_CLKA_O, SPT4_ACLK_I); //PCG A clk to SPORT 4A (CRS) SRU(HIGH, DAI0_PBEN19_I); //Output SRU(PCG0_FSA_O, DAI0_PB19_I); //PCG A fs to ADC LRCLK pin SRU2(PCG0_CRS_FSA_O, SPT4_AFS_I); //PCG A fs to SPORT 4A (CRS) //MCU (CRS) SRU2(HIGH, DAI1_PBEN04_I); //Output SRU2(PCG0_CRS_CLKA_O, DAI1_PB04_I); //PCG A clk to MCU MCLK pin (CRS) SRU2(HIGH, DAI1_PBEN02_I); //Output SRU2(PCG0_CRS_CLKA_O, DAI1_PB02_I); //PCG A clk to MCU BCLK pin (CRS) SRU2(PCG0_CRS_CLKA_O, SPT7_ACLK_I); //PCG A clk to SPORT 7A (CRS) SRU2(HIGH, DAI1_PBEN01_I); //Output SRU2(PCG0_CRS_FSA_O, DAI1_PB01_I); //PCG A fs to MCU LRCLK pin (CRS) SRU2(PCG0_CRS_CLKA_O, SPT7_AFS_I); //PCG A fs to SPORT 7A (CRS) //---- Data pins ---- //A2B SRU(HIGH, DAI0_PBEN08_I); //Output SRU(SPT0_AD0_O, DAI0_PB08_I); //SPORT 0A (SHT0) SRU(HIGH, DAI0_PBEN10_I); //Output SRU(SPT0_BD0_O, DAI0_PB10_I); //SPORT 0B (SHT1) SRU(HIGH, DAI0_PBEN07_I); //Output SRU(SPT1_AD0_O, DAI0_PB07_I); //SPORT 1A (SHT2) SRU(HIGH, DAI0_PBEN05_I); //Output SRU(SPT1_BD0_O, DAI0_PB05_I); //SPORT 1B (HT-MT) //DAC SRU(HIGH, DAI0_PBEN01_I); //Output SRU(SPT3_AD0_O, DAI0_PB01_I); //SPORT 2A //ADC SRU2(LOW, DAI1_PBEN19_I); //Input SRU2(DAI1_PB19_O, SPT4_AD0_I); //SPORT 4A //AES3 SRU2(LOW, DAI1_PBEN09_I); //Input SRU2(DAI1_PB09_O, SPT6_AD0_I); //SPORT 6A //MCU SRU2(LOW, DAI1_PBEN03_I); //Input SRU2(DAI1_PB03_O, SPT7_AD0_I); //SPORT 7A DEBUG_PRINT("SRU initialized for local MCLK\n"); } //Descriptors ADI_PDMA_DESC_LIST DMA_Desc_SP4A[DMA_NUM_DESC]; ADI_PDMA_DESC_LIST DMA_Desc_SP7A[DMA_NUM_DESC]; ADI_PDMA_DESC_LIST DMA_Desc_SP2A[DMA_NUM_DESC]; void DMA_Init(void){ //4A //ADC buffer DMA_Desc_SP4A[0].pStartAddr = (void *)SP4ABuffer[0][0]; DMA_Desc_SP4A[0].Config = ENUM_DMA_CFG_XCNT_INT; DMA_Desc_SP4A[0].XCount = BLOCKSIZE * I2S_NB_CH; DMA_Desc_SP4A[0].XModify = 4; DMA_Desc_SP4A[0].YCount = 0; DMA_Desc_SP4A[0].YModify = 0; DMA_Desc_SP4A[0].pNxtDscp = &DMA_Desc_SP4A[1]; DMA_Desc_SP4A[1].pStartAddr = (void *)SP4ABuffer[1][0]; DMA_Desc_SP4A[1].Config = ENUM_DMA_CFG_XCNT_INT; DMA_Desc_SP4A[1].XCount = BLOCKSIZE * I2S_NB_CH; DMA_Desc_SP4A[1].XModify = 4; DMA_Desc_SP4A[1].YCount = 0; DMA_Desc_SP4A[1].YModify = 0; DMA_Desc_SP4A[1].pNxtDscp = &DMA_Desc_SP4A[0]; //7A //MCU buffer DMA_Desc_SP7A[0].pStartAddr = (void *)SP7ABuffer[0][0]; DMA_Desc_SP7A[0].Config = ENUM_DMA_CFG_XCNT_INT; DMA_Desc_SP7A[0].XCount = BLOCKSIZE * I2S_NB_CH; DMA_Desc_SP7A[0].XModify = 4; DMA_Desc_SP7A[0].YCount = 0; DMA_Desc_SP7A[0].YModify = 0; DMA_Desc_SP7A[0].pNxtDscp = &DMA_Desc_SP7A[1]; DMA_Desc_SP7A[1].pStartAddr = (void *)SP7ABuffer[1][0]; DMA_Desc_SP7A[1].Config = ENUM_DMA_CFG_XCNT_INT; DMA_Desc_SP7A[1].XCount = BLOCKSIZE * I2S_NB_CH; DMA_Desc_SP7A[1].XModify = 4; DMA_Desc_SP7A[1].YCount = 0; DMA_Desc_SP7A[1].YModify = 0; DMA_Desc_SP7A[1].pNxtDscp = &DMA_Desc_SP7A[0]; //2A //DAC buffer DMA_Desc_SP2A[0].pStartAddr = (void *)SP2ABuffer[0][0]; DMA_Desc_SP2A[0].Config = ENUM_DMA_CFG_XCNT_INT; DMA_Desc_SP2A[0].XCount = BLOCKSIZE * I2S_NB_CH; DMA_Desc_SP2A[0].XModify = 4; DMA_Desc_SP2A[0].YCount = 0; DMA_Desc_SP2A[0].YModify = 0; DMA_Desc_SP2A[0].pNxtDscp = &DMA_Desc_SP2A[1]; DMA_Desc_SP2A[1].pStartAddr = (void *)SP2ABuffer[1][0]; DMA_Desc_SP2A[1].Config = ENUM_DMA_CFG_XCNT_INT; DMA_Desc_SP2A[1].XCount = BLOCKSIZE * I2S_NB_CH; DMA_Desc_SP2A[1].XModify = 4; DMA_Desc_SP2A[1].YCount = 0; DMA_Desc_SP2A[1].YModify = 0; DMA_Desc_SP2A[1].pNxtDscp = &DMA_Desc_SP2A[0]; DEBUG_PRINT("DMA descriptors initialized\n"); } //Memory required for SPORTs static uint8_t SPORTMemory0A[ADI_SPORT_MEMORY_SIZE]; static uint8_t SPORTMemory0B[ADI_SPORT_MEMORY_SIZE]; static uint8_t SPORTMemory1A[ADI_SPORT_MEMORY_SIZE]; static uint8_t SPORTMemory1B[ADI_SPORT_MEMORY_SIZE]; static uint8_t SPORTMemory2A[ADI_SPORT_MEMORY_SIZE]; static uint8_t SPORTMemory4A[ADI_SPORT_MEMORY_SIZE]; static uint8_t SPORTMemory5A[ADI_SPORT_MEMORY_SIZE]; static uint8_t SPORTMemory5B[ADI_SPORT_MEMORY_SIZE]; static uint8_t SPORTMemory6A[ADI_SPORT_MEMORY_SIZE]; static uint8_t SPORTMemory7A[ADI_SPORT_MEMORY_SIZE]; //SPORT Handles static ADI_SPORT_HANDLE hSPORT_0A; static ADI_SPORT_HANDLE hSPORT_0B; static ADI_SPORT_HANDLE hSPORT_1A; static ADI_SPORT_HANDLE hSPORT_1B; static ADI_SPORT_HANDLE hSPORT_2A; //DAC: I2S mode, p. 8/35/73 static ADI_SPORT_HANDLE hSPORT_4A; //ADC: I2S mode, p. 33 static ADI_SPORT_HANDLE hSPORT_5A; static ADI_SPORT_HANDLE hSPORT_5B; static ADI_SPORT_HANDLE hSPORT_6A; static ADI_SPORT_HANDLE hSPORT_7A; //MCU: I2S mode static bool block_number = 0; ADI_CACHE_ALIGN volatile int32_t SP4ABuffer[DMA_NUM_DESC][BLOCKSIZE * I2S_NB_CH] = {}; ADI_CACHE_ALIGN volatile int32_t SP7ABuffer[DMA_NUM_DESC][BLOCKSIZE * I2S_NB_CH] = {}; ADI_CACHE_ALIGN volatile int32_t SP2ABuffer[DMA_NUM_DESC][BLOCKSIZE * I2S_NB_CH] = {}; //Function prototypes void SPORT4A_RX_Cb(void *pAppHandle, uint32_t nEvent, void *pArg); //Function definitions void SPORT_Init(void){ ADI_SPORT_RESULT eResult; //Memset of buffers //---- Inputs ---- //SPORT Device 4A - ADC eResult = adi_sport_Open(4u, ADI_HALF_SPORT_A, ADI_SPORT_DIR_RX, ADI_SPORT_I2S_MODE, SPORTMemory4A, ADI_SPORT_MEMORY_SIZE, &hSPORT_4A); if(eResult != ADI_SPORT_SUCCESS) {printf("SPORT Error! Errorcode: 0x%08X\n", eResult);} //Configure data: 32 bit, msb first, not packed, left-justified eResult = adi_sport_ConfigData(hSPORT_4A, ADI_SPORT_DTYPE_SIGN_FILL, 31, false, false, false); //ADI_SPORT_DTYPE_ZERO_FILL if(eResult != ADI_SPORT_SUCCESS) {printf("SPORT Error! Errorcode: 0x%08X\n", eResult);} //Configure clock: div = 32, external clock, data driven on rising edge, disable gated clock //CLKDIV = (SCLK/SPORT_ACLK)-1 = (125 / 3,072)-1 = 39,7 eResult = adi_sport_ConfigClock(hSPORT_4A, 0, false, false, false); if(eResult != ADI_SPORT_SUCCESS) {printf("SPORT Error! Errorcode: 0x%08X\n", eResult);} //Configure frame sync: 32 bit, fs required, external fs, data-dependent fs, active high fs, use early fs, fs is level sensitive eResult = adi_sport_ConfigFrameSync(hSPORT_4A, 31, true, false, false, true, false, false); if(eResult != ADI_SPORT_SUCCESS) {printf("SPORT Error! Errorcode: 0x%08X\n", eResult);} DEBUG_PRINT("SPORT 4A initialized\n"); //SPORT Device 7A - MCU eResult = adi_sport_Open(7u, ADI_HALF_SPORT_A, ADI_SPORT_DIR_RX, ADI_SPORT_I2S_MODE, SPORTMemory7A, ADI_SPORT_MEMORY_SIZE, &hSPORT_7A); if(eResult != ADI_SPORT_SUCCESS) {printf("SPORT Error! Errorcode: 0x%08X\n", eResult);} //Configure data: 32 bit, msb first, not packed, left-justified eResult = adi_sport_ConfigData(hSPORT_7A, ADI_SPORT_DTYPE_SIGN_FILL, 31, false, false, false); //ADI_SPORT_DTYPE_ZERO_FILL if(eResult != ADI_SPORT_SUCCESS) {printf("SPORT Error! Errorcode: 0x%08X\n", eResult);} //Configure clock: div = 32, external clock, data driven on rising edge, disable gated clock //CLKDIV = (SCLK/SPORT_ACLK)-1 = (125 / 3,072)-1 = 39,7 eResult = adi_sport_ConfigClock(hSPORT_7A, 0, false, false, false); if(eResult != ADI_SPORT_SUCCESS) {printf("SPORT Error! Errorcode: 0x%08X\n", eResult);} //Configure frame sync: 32 bit, fs required, external fs, data-dependent fs, active high fs, use early fs, fs is level sensitive eResult = adi_sport_ConfigFrameSync(hSPORT_7A, 31, true, false, false, true, false, false); if(eResult != ADI_SPORT_SUCCESS) {printf("SPORT Error! Errorcode: 0x%08X\n", eResult);} DEBUG_PRINT("SPORT 7A initialized\n"); //---- Outputs ---- //SPORT Device 2A - DAC eResult = adi_sport_Open(2u, ADI_HALF_SPORT_A, ADI_SPORT_DIR_TX, ADI_SPORT_I2S_MODE, SPORTMemory2A, ADI_SPORT_MEMORY_SIZE, &hSPORT_2A); if(eResult != ADI_SPORT_SUCCESS) {printf("SPORT Error! Errorcode: 0x%08X\n", eResult);} //Configure data: 32 bit, msb first, not packed, left-justified eResult = adi_sport_ConfigData(hSPORT_2A, ADI_SPORT_DTYPE_SIGN_FILL, 31, false, false, false); if(eResult != ADI_SPORT_SUCCESS) {printf("SPORT Error! Errorcode: 0x%08X\n", eResult);} //Configure clock //eResult = adi_sport_ConfigClock(hSPORT_2A, 31, true, false, false); eResult = adi_sport_ConfigClock(hSPORT_2A, 0, false, false, false); if(eResult != ADI_SPORT_SUCCESS) {printf("SPORT Error! Errorcode: 0x%08X\n", eResult);} //Configure frame sync eResult = adi_sport_ConfigFrameSync(hSPORT_2A, 31, true, false, false, true, false, false); if(eResult != ADI_SPORT_SUCCESS) {printf("SPORT Error! Errorcode: 0x%08X\n", eResult);} DEBUG_PRINT("SPORT 2A initialized\n"); //-------- //Submit the first buffer for Rx eResult = adi_sport_DMATransfer(hSPORT_4A, &DMA_Desc_SP4A[0], DMA_NUM_DESC, ADI_PDMA_DESCRIPTOR_LIST, ADI_SPORT_CHANNEL_PRIM); if(eResult != ADI_SPORT_SUCCESS) {printf("SPORT Error! Errorcode: 0x%08X\n", eResult);} DEBUG_PRINT("SPORT 4A dma started\n"); eResult = adi_sport_DMATransfer(hSPORT_7A, &DMA_Desc_SP7A[0], DMA_NUM_DESC, ADI_PDMA_DESCRIPTOR_LIST, ADI_SPORT_CHANNEL_PRIM); if(eResult != ADI_SPORT_SUCCESS) {printf("SPORT Error! Errorcode: 0x%08X\n", eResult);} DEBUG_PRINT("SPORT 7A dma started\n"); //Submit the first buffer for Tx eResult = adi_sport_DMATransfer(hSPORT_2A, &DMA_Desc_SP2A[0], DMA_NUM_DESC, ADI_PDMA_DESCRIPTOR_LIST, ADI_SPORT_CHANNEL_PRIM); if(eResult != ADI_SPORT_SUCCESS) {printf("SPORT Error! Errorcode: 0x%08X\n", eResult);} DEBUG_PRINT("SPORT 2A dma started\n"); //-------- //Enable the Sport Device 4A eResult = adi_sport_Enable(hSPORT_4A, true); if(eResult != ADI_SPORT_SUCCESS) {printf("SPORT Error! Errorcode: 0x%08X\n", eResult);} DEBUG_PRINT("SPORT 4A enabled\n"); //Enable the Sport Device 7A eResult = adi_sport_Enable(hSPORT_7A, true); if(eResult != ADI_SPORT_SUCCESS) {printf("SPORT Error! Errorcode: 0x%08X\n", eResult);} DEBUG_PRINT("SPORT 7A enabled\n"); //Enable the Sport Device 2A eResult = adi_sport_Enable(hSPORT_2A, true); // ================> CODE DOESN'T RECH THIS STEP <======================= if(eResult != ADI_SPORT_SUCCESS) {printf("SPORT Error! Errorcode: 0x%08X\n", eResult);} DEBUG_PRINT("SPORT 2A enabled\n"); DEBUG_PRINT("SPORTs initialized\n"); }
Added questions
[edited by: MKrautter at 8:47 AM (GMT -5) on 28 Feb 2023]