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ADZS-21489-EZLITE - Switching SPI mode from Master to Slave during runtime

Category: Hardware
Product Number: ADZS-21489-EZLITE


I'm using:

  • ADZS-21489-EZLITE board
  • VisualDSP++

Can I switch the mode of the SPI communication of the ADSP-21489 from Slave to Master during Runtime?

Indeed, on the ADZS-21489-EZLITE, if I use the codec AD1939, during the init phase, the ADSP-21489 sends SPI frames to configure the codec.

To do so, the ADSP is the master, the codec is the slave for the SPI communication.

After the codec init, I want to send SPI frames to the ADSP with an external device connected to the expansion II interface (DPI1/DPI2/DPI3/DPI4)

To do so, the ADSP must be "slave" for the SPI communication.

So my question is: can I just change the SPI mode of the ADSP-21489 from master to slave by changing the register value of SPICTL?

 Also, can I use the SPI pin DPI1/DPI2/DPI3/DPI4 without switching to OFF SW3.1 / SW3.2 / SW3.3 / SW3.4

(indeed I would like to avoid changing switch positions after startup of the board)

Do you see some tricky things to be handled here and do you have any recommendations?

Thanks in advance for the support,
