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ADSP-21571CSWZ Debug

Category: Hardware
Product Number: ADSP-21571CSWZ non-performing products

We have encountered four defective products about ADSP-21571CSWZ not working, and there are two kinds of defective phenomena:

  • Symptom 1: No Log is printed, and the Debug port cannot be connected.(A total of 1 PCS 

    Phenomenon during debugging: measuring DSP minimum system, RST and power supply are normal, crystal signal is abnormal; When the crystal oscillator is adjusted to the normal board, the phenomenon remains unchanged; When the DSP chip is adjusted to the normal board, both boards work normally. When the normal board and the bad board are switched back to DSP and BA, both boards still work normally.

  • Symptom 2: No Log is printed, and you can access the external flash through the Debug port.(A total of 3 PCS)Phenomenon during debugging: 1V1 and 3V3 power supply voltage measurement is normal, crystal vibration is normal, Reset signal is normal; DSP does not send chip selection signal to external Flash; When the DSP chip is adjusted to the normal board, the phenomenon follows the DSP; The BA switch is being made;

May I ask the cause of the above fault? And how to fix it?        Thanks a million.

  • Hi,

    1. All power supplies(VDD_INT, VDD_EXT, VDD_USB, VDD_HADC, VDD_DMC) must meet the specifications provided at "Operating Conditions" section(page no 56) in datasheet
    2. Is clock source neat and clean with datasheet specification(page no 58)  (without ringing and undershoot, overshoot)?
    3. Total number of working boards you have? Please confirm all the boards have the same silicon revision?
    4. Is this issue is intermittent? If so, let us know the rate of failure.
    5. Can you please verify the Power-Up Reset Timing (Pg No: 66) and Clock and Reset Timing (Pg No: 67), whether it meet the datasheet specification.


  • 1.All power supplies(VDD_INT, VDD_EXT, VDD_USB, VDD_HADC, VDD_DMC) must meet the specifications provided at "Operating Conditions" section(page no 56) in datasheet

    A: in normal condition,all the power supply is normaland meet the datasheeet spec , but 3pcs  in 10,000 probability.  the 1.1V power supply voltage will become 0.65V, i am not sure whether it's cause the boot rom erroe.

    2.Is clock source neat and clean with datasheet specification(page no 58)  (without ringing and undershoot, overshoot)?

    A:  yes. the clock meet datasheet specification

    3.Total number of working boards you have? Please confirm all the boards have the same silicon revision?

    A: this project already SOP,  it's already product about 8K, we just find 3 boards which can not work normally

    4.Is this issue is intermittent? If so, let us know the rate of failure.

    A: the issue board can't work all the time even we restart power on.  but it's can power on on debug mode, we find the BOOT ERROR accroding to read the configiration.  in normal board. RCU0_MSG.ERRCODE is 0x00, the issue board is 0x17.

    5.Can you please verify the Power-Up Reset Timing (Pg No: 66) and Clock and Reset Timing (Pg No: 67), whether it meet the datasheet specification.

    A: the power on timing sequence is 3.3V->1.1V->reset。

  • 1.All power supplies(VDD_INT, VDD_EXT, VDD_USB, VDD_HADC, VDD_DMC) must meet the specifications provided at "Operating Conditions" section(page no 56) in datasheet

    A: in normal condition,all the power supply is normaland meet the datasheeet spec , but 3pcs  in 10,000 probability.  the 1.1V power supply voltage will become 0.65V, i am not sure whether it's cause the boot rom erroe.

    2.Is clock source neat and clean with datasheet specification(page no 58)  (without ringing and undershoot, overshoot)?

    A:  yes. the clock meet datasheet specification

    3.Total number of working boards you have? Please confirm all the boards have the same silicon revision?

    A: this project already SOP,  it's already product about 8K, we just find 3 boards which can not work normally

    4.Is this issue is intermittent? If so, let us know the rate of failure.

    A: the issue board can't work all the time even we restart power on.  but it's can power on on debug mode, we find the BOOT ERROR accroding to read the configiration.  in normal board. RCU0_MSG.ERRCODE is 0x00, the issue board is 0x17.

    5.Can you please verify the Power-Up Reset Timing (Pg No: 66) and Clock and Reset Timing (Pg No: 67), whether it meet the datasheet specification.

    A: the power on timing sequence is 3.3V->1.1V->reset。

  • Hi,

    Can you please reply on below points:

        1. Which boot mode are you performing like SPI master, SPI slave etc.
        2. Are you using second stage loader.

    Regarding, When the DSP chip is adjusted to the normal board, both boards work normally. When the normal board and the bad board are switched back to DSP and BA, both boards still work normally.

    >> Can you please clarify the above point.  How, is DSP chip adjusted to the normal board? What is BA mean here.


  • 1. Which boot mode are you performing like SPI master, SPI slave etc.

    A: SPI master boot mode

    2. Are you using second stage loader.

    A: Yes

    >> Can you please clarify the above point.  How, is DSP chip adjusted to the normal board? What is BA mean here.

    The DSP chip on the faulty board is switched to the normal board, and both boards run normally. Then the DSP chip is restored to the respective boards, and both boards are normal.

    AB mean exchange. BA mean exchange agin (mean regain).

    Thanks a lot~     Looking forward to your reply


  • Hi,

    After BA, both works normal. Then, when working board behave as abnormal. Please share your schematics to
    We will review and discuss internally.
